Re: Legendre polynomial coefficient

2024-05-28 Thread francois Goutenoire
!! All the informations are in the link Link for data + the Jana refinement Best wishes, francois Le 27/03/2024 à 15:23, francois Goutenoire a écrit : Dear Rietveld users I have some data collected on a synchrotron line on reflection mode. The

Legendre polynomial coefficient

2024-03-27 Thread francois Goutenoire
-- * Pr. Francois GOUTENOIRE Tel: FAX: Institut des Molécules et des Matériaux du Mans IMMM - UMR CNRS 6283 Elaboration et Caracterisation des Composés Cristalisés (E3C

Re: [EXT] [External] Re: Step-like basline

2023-09-05 Thread francois Goutenoire
3244 Fax. ++49 (0) 3731-39-3129 ++ Please do NOT attach files to the whole list>> Send commands to>> eg: HELP as the subject with no body text The Rietveld_L list archive

How to publish structure determination from powder easily ! (with the good link !!)

2023-06-02 Thread francois Goutenoire
: I will be pleased to ear a comment to this feeling. Best wishes, François -- * Pr. Francois GOUTENOIRE e-mail:francois.gouteno...@univ

How to publish structure determination from powder easily !

2023-06-02 Thread francois Goutenoire
: I will be pleased to ear a comment to this feeling. Best wishes, François -- * Pr. Francois GOUTENOIRE e-mail:francois.gouteno...@univ

Sealing capillary in a glove box

2023-01-30 Thread francois Goutenoire
-- * Pr. Francois GOUTENOIRE Tel: FAX: Institut des Molécules et des Matériaux du Mans IMMM - UMR CNRS 6283 Elaboration et Caracterisation des Composés Cristalisés (E3C) Université du

Variable Step Size reference

2022-04-04 Thread francois Goutenoire
). Is there any good paper about this VCT -VSS (Variable Step Size) methodology ? Best wishes, Francois -- * Pr. Francois GOUTENOIRE Tel: FAX

Commercial contact GE for X-ray tube

2021-12-02 Thread francois Goutenoire
Dear Rietveld users, I have lost my commercial contact to buy an X-ray tube from GE. Does any one can help me ? Best wishes François -- * Pr. Francois GOUTENOIRE e-mail:francois.gouteno...@univ

Re: C60 orthorhombic structure

2021-09-24 Thread francois Goutenoire
Dear Rietveld users, Sorry for the mistake, the paper was published in 1991. I put the paper in the link http:\\\~fgouten\C60 From the previous answer it seems that it is not really realiable. Best wishes françois Goutenoire Le 24/09/2021 à 12:05, francois Goutenoire a

C60 orthorhombic structure

2021-09-24 Thread francois Goutenoire
011 Ang, b=25.582 Ang. c=10.003 Ang. Space group Pbnm but there is not atomic position in the paper. Best regards, françois Goutenoire -- * Pr. Francois GOUTENOIRE e-mail: francois.gouteno...@univ-lem

Re: information

2010-01-27 Thread Francois Goutenoire
Dear Davide, This is obtain from the help of X'Pert HighScore Plus, I have write the formula due to image mode. Lorentz-Polarization correction: The Lorentz-Polarization factor LP is: *LP= [1 + POL Cos(2theta).Cos(2theta)]/[Sintheta.Sintheta.Costheta]* POL describes the additional pol

Thickness measurement

2010-01-26 Thread Francois Goutenoire
Dear Rietveld Users, I am currently working on thin layers deposit by soft chemistry on different substrates (Al2O3, Copper, ….) In order to analyse these samples, I am using a D8 (Bruker) with a collimator + point detector. We do not have any mirror to produce an intense parallel beam. We

Re: powder diffractometers with high temperature attachment

2009-04-20 Thread Francois Goutenoire
Hi We have for now 5 years an HTK12 (1200°C maximum) with a MPD + X’Cellerator. This is really a nice ‘combinaison’, with new fast detectors (X’Cellerator, Vantec …..) you can have a nice counting statistic in few minutes (15-25 minutes). Recently I have explore the WO3 phase transitions as

TOF profil problem

2008-09-04 Thread Francois Goutenoire
Dear Rietveld Users, I am currently trying to work with TOF (HRPD – ISIS) data with Fullprof. In order to learn more about the diffractometer and the profile I have started with a standard : the CeO2 Sharp from the Round Robin (Balzar). I have done a pattern matching refinement, but I fell that

X-ray data on organic compouds

2007-12-05 Thread Francois Goutenoire
Dear rietveld users, I am looking for nice X-ray data on organic compounds in order to check : autoindexation , space group analysis and ab-initio resolution methodology. I am interesting by the data published with the paper : Solving molecular crystal structures from laboratory X-ray powder d

Hyper Lorentzian peak shape

2007-11-21 Thread Francois Goutenoire
an idea ? Francois Goutenoire Laboratoire des Oxydes et des Fluorures, UMR6010.

Correction for variable slit with Fullprof

2000-12-20 Thread Francois Goutenoire
50.00 0.234809 55.00 0.219584 60.00 0.207697 65.00 0.198463 Thanks Francois Goutenoire /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Dr. François Goutenoire Laboratoire des Fluorures UPRES 6010 Av. Olivier Messiaen 72085 Le Mans Cedex Tel :

Pcr file for mixed Neutron+Xray for magnetic structure

2000-11-20 Thread Francois Goutenoire
ome atomic positions better by X-ray and so I would like to retain that advantage by using both X-ray data along with neutron data. I'm just asking you to send me an example of a pcr's file to solve my problem. Thanks in anticipation Francois Goutenoire /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/

Postdoctoral Position (URGENT)

2000-05-09 Thread Francois Goutenoire
Postdoctoral Position Postdoc position funded by the « Region des pays de la Loire » could be available at the « Laboratoire des Fluorures » of « Universite du Maine » (Le Mans , France) for the following project : We have recently discover a new class of fast oxide-ion conductor based on La2Mo

Structural refinement with variable divergence slit

1999-04-28 Thread Francois Goutenoire
Hi all rietveld users, We would like to use the variable slit attached with our diffractometer for Rietveld refinement. I have read the basic papers on the subject : Modern Powder Diffraction + the paper by M.E.Bowden et al « Comparison of intensities from fixed and variable divergence X-ray di