I sent this to Jon this afternoon and thought that I'd pass the e-mail
Here goes ...
> You'll probably find a pre-PRODD CCSL subroutine that I wrote that
> goes along the lines of
> width^2 = u^2 * ( tan(theta)-tan(theta_m) )^2 + w^2
> Two neat things about this equation is that
Dear Colleagues,
We are advertising two postdoctoral positions in Hydrogen Storage
Research at the ISIS Spallation Neutron Source in conjunction with
Oxford University, Johnson Matthey and Ilika Technologies Ltd. The
positions are for 2 years fixed-term and are available from April 2009.
ld the weighting
weighting = 1 / If(Yobs, Yobs, Ycalc);
Hopefully these spread sheet type formulas are understandable. This last
equation is not liked by computers due to a possible zero divide when Ycalc
is zero.
Any ideas Bill and others
From: David
Title: RE: About zero counts etc.
Dear all,
Jon's right - when the counts are very low - i.e. zeroes and ones around - then the correct Bayesian approach is to use Poisson statistics. This, as Jon said, has been tackled by Antoniadis et al. (Acta Cryst. (1990). A46, 692-711 Maximum-likelih
Title: PDRA in powder diffraction studies of hydrogen storage materials
I have a postdoc position available immediately for powder diffraction research in the area of hydrogen storage materials. Details below.
Professor W I F David,
CCLRC Senior Fellow,
Sent: 31 March 2004 23:05
Thanks! Exactly what I was after and I'd never have guessed it from the
On Wed, 31 Mar 2004, David, WIF (Bill) wrote:
> Hi Jon,
> A lot of what you'll need is in the back of th
On Wed, 31 Mar 2004, David, WIF (Bill) wrote:
> Hi Jon,
> A lot of what you'll need is in the back of the International Tables Vol.
> in Chapter 15 which goes under the snappy title of "Euclidean and affine
> normalisers of space groups and their use in cryst
Hi Jon,
A lot of what you'll need is in the back of the International Tables Vol. A
in Chapter 15 which goes under the snappy title of "Euclidean and affine
normalisers of space groups and their use in crystallography". From memory,
earlier incarnations of Vol. A do not have this chapter.