question on stacking faults

2014-10-02 Thread Angel Luis Ortiz Seco
Dear colleages, I would like to calculate the stacking fault probability in an O3 structure (a layered compound of the type ABO2 (A=alkali element, B=transition metal element, O=oxygen) crystallizing in the trigonal R-3m space group (hexagonal axes)) from the broadening of the XRD peaks. I have

o3-type and p3-type structures of NaCrO3

2014-06-16 Thread Angel Luis Ortiz Seco
Dear colleages, could any of you provide me the cif files (or complete structural data) for the O3-type and P3-type layered structures of NaCrO2 (or in ita case isostructural compound). other structures (p2- type, ), if existing, are also welcome. thanks a lot for your help, regards -- -

crystal strcutures of NaCrO2 and LiCrO2 for Rietvled refinements

2014-06-14 Thread Angel Luis Ortiz Seco
Dear Colleagues, Can any of you send me the crustal structure of NaCrO2 and LiCrO2 for a Rietveld refinements (lattice parameters, space group, asymmetric unit, etc)? Thank in advance, Regards, -- Angel L. Ortiz, PhD Associate Profes


1999-05-26 Thread Angel Luis Ortiz Seco
Dear all, I am very interested in doing refinaments by using Rietveld method in SiC obtained by sol-gel. Howerver, I need some information about this method of processing. Could anyone tell me where I can find some referents?. Thanks you very much.

Sol-gel SiC

1999-05-26 Thread Angel Luis Ortiz Seco
Dear all, I would like to know some referents about sol-gel applied to SiC. Could anyone help me? Thanks you very much.

Refinament by BGMN

1999-01-29 Thread Angel Luis Ortiz Seco
le of the primary collimator, radius and width of the vertical divergence slit, divergence angle of the secondary collimator, width and height of the detector slit, radius of a secondary monochromator Can anybody help me? Thank a lot of. - Angel