I constructed an electrical heater which is used with a tunable power
supply and a microscope if possible. Let me know if you like to have
details of the design!
El lun, 30 ene. 2023 12:01, francois Goutenoire <
francois.gouteno...@univ-lemans.fr> escribió:
> Dear Rietveld users,
> We
Dear François,
The easy way we have found to do that is by isolating the open aperture
with vacuum grease inside the glove box and theb taking them outside where
you can seal them easily with a lighter.
Hope it helps
Le lun. 30 janv. 2023 à 12:01, francois Goutenoire <
Dear François,
You can just put a bit of vacuum grease, but this is not mechanically very
stable. The best is to seal with a drop of fast epoxy glue. Easy to manipulate
inside the glove box.
Best regards
Radovan Cerny
Laboratoire de Cristallographie, DQMP
Université de Genève
24, quai
Dear Rietveld users,
We are currently working with some very hygroscopic compounds in
These capillaries are fill in a glove box (N2).
How can we sealed these capillaries (borosilicate) in the glove box ?
Best wishes, François