Re: AtomCoord

2005-02-14 Thread Alan Hewat
Can anyone to send me the atomic coordinates of Mg2Al4Si5O18 with beta-quartz solid solution structure. ICSD, available in Madrid, Barcelona and Bilbao (but not Valencia ?) gives forms. Mg2 (Al4 Si5 O18)   CCCM    Cordierite Mg2 (Al4 Si5 O18)   P6/MCC  Indialite or High Cord


2005-02-14 Thread frantose
Dear Rietvelders, Can anyone to send me the atomic coordinates of Mg2Al4Si5O18 with beta-quartz solid solution structure. Thank you, Francisco José Torres Segura Becario de investigación Unidad de Investigación Materiales Cerámicos y Vítreos


2005-02-14 Thread Armel Le Bail
CAC2 = 2nd Algerian Congress of Crystallography, 17-21 April 2005: Constantine - Algeria

symposium "Materials and temperature"

2005-02-14 Thread Gilberto Artioli
We invite you to contribute to the special session at SMEC 2005: "Materials and temperature" Where/When: CESMEC Conference 2005 April 17-21, 2005 Miami, Florida Description of Session: T