You found a typo in the manual. The equations for u & v need a "sigma^2" in
the first term in the numerator. The form should match the equations for r
& s just above. The code inside GSAS has it right.
Thanks - at least I know people are watching.
Bob Von Dreele
At 10:50 AM 1/17/01 +,
Dear Colleagues:
I am trying to use the new version of the Rietveld program Rietan, that is,
Rietan-2000. In fact, I am interested in using that program for studing a
two phases system. However, so far, I am having some difficulties. Please,
could someboby e-mail me an input file with an example
I'm trying to write a FORTRAN subroutine to reproduce the GSAS TOF profile
function 2 using the equations given in the new (and old) GSAS manual. It
seems to work but only if I put a sigma squared in the u an v terms of the
G'(delta T) expansion, my maths is very rusty but I think this