We collect our data on a VAX, change it to ASCI, FTP it to a Mac, parse it
in EXCEL, plot in Kaleidagraph, copy the graph made in Kaleidagraph to
Canvas, and alter it, label it, and whatever to our satisfaction. It can
then be printed directly or embedded in Microsoft W
Hi everybody,
I use GSAS programs (1998 version).
I would like to plot experimental values using
point "." symbol.
It seems that POWPLOT module can not do that.
The last version of the same program was able to
do so.
Is it a bug ?
can someone help me
Assuming your problem is just to get graphics over a network you can
probably use an xserver. This works for looking at TOF data collected at
the ISIS source in the UK, which also uses VAX computers. In that case you
connect with a telnet and utter the magic words:
"set display/create/t
Title: RE: Graphics
-Original Message-
> We have some neutron diffraction data collected and stored in the VAX
> computer at Argonne, and we want to remotely get access to those data
> from our Windows-PC or Mac here. However, we were unable to display the
> diffraction patterns on our
> We have some neutron diffraction data collected and stored in the VAX
> computer at Argonne, and we want to remotely get access to those data
> from our Windows-PC or Mac here. However, we were unable to display the
> diffraction patterns on our computers. Do we need an emulation program for