Issue when generating benchmark graphs using R from Basho Bench on Windows PC

2013-07-18 Thread jerryjyuan
I have installed Erlang and R statistics Language (R 3.0.1 executables) on my Windows PC desktop, and also I have installed and compiled Basho bench on Windows PC. I am able to run the basho bench benchmark tests on Windows PC against the Riak server on Linux platform. And then I am trying to gen

Re: Issue when generating benchmark graphs using R from Basho Bench on Windows PC

2013-07-18 Thread jerryjyuan
I got some helpful feedbacks from Jon Meredith about the errors encountered during my previous runs: I don't have a Windows environment available to replicate your work with, but it looks a bit like the R script is being interpreted as a shell script rather than as Rscript You may have soem more

How to create a Jinterface node and cluster for Java Client Benchmark with Basho Bench

2013-07-21 Thread jerryjyuan
I am trying to run some Java client benchmark testing with Basho Bench by following the Riak document: The Basho Bench tool configuration file for this need requires Jinterface node, see below: %% The list of remote Ja

Re: How to create a Jinterface node and cluster for Java Client Benchmark with Basho Bench

2013-07-23 Thread jerryjyuan
Hi Russell, Thanks a lot for your helpful feedbacks about my question, and the following is what you described about the bench_shim Jinterface wrapper for the RJC: The bench_shim is a JInterface wrapper for the RJC. I don't know if it works with the current ver