> Here is brief env:
> Riak v 2.0.8 + Solr/ 5 node cluster/ MDC
> Problem:
> Deleted object suddenly resurrected after few days. Solr search query(
> "*:*") was executed around the time of reappearance.
> Bucket property for this reappeared object
> {
> "props": {
> "name": "UsaH
(and subsequently in Solr), correct? Or are you saying
> you just find the object in Solr (via a search)?
> -Fred
> On Feb 23, 2017, at 1:43 AM, al so wrote:
> Here is brief env:
>> Riak v 2.0.8 + Solr/ 5 node cluster/ MDC
>> Problem:
>> Dele
>> reappeared object in your other cluster?
>> Also, just to confirm, when you say the object reappeared -- it
>> re-appeared in Riak (and subsequently in Solr), correct? Or are you saying
>> you just find the object in Solr (via a search)?
What is the best way to root cause it.
Any metadata/etc to query the lifecycle of this deleted object given that
Key and Bucket are known.
On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 9:53 PM, al so wrote:
> Present both in Solr and Riak. It's a 1-way replication in MDC. MDC is not
>> the cause unl
Implications when *delete_mode *set to 'keep'*?*
On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 9:53 PM, al so wrote:
> Present both in Solr and Riak. It's a 1-way replication in MDC. MDC is not
>> the cause unless there is a bug there as well.
>> On Thu, F
Why would anyone disable AAE in riak 2.x?
riak-users mailing list
us for your
> system.
> On Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 11:39 Matthew Von-Maszewski
> wrote:
>> Performance gains on write intensive applications.
>> > On Feb 28, 2017, at 11:18 AM, al so wrote: