Is it possible to return a value along with a 2i query? For instance, if I
perform a range query against an _int index, can I return both the relevant and
keys their respective value for that field?
If not, can they be accessed in a reduce function without loading the document?
", and an index
"score_int" with a value of 5, I'd like to be able to range query against the
score_int index and return both the list of keys ("foo") and the value of the
index I queried ("5").
From: Rusty Klophaus []
Sent: Friday, N
Ripple indicates that a representative from Basho will come to your home and
beat you to death if you perform a list keys in production. Is this still a
massive no-no with 2i?
I'm not familiar with how much is automatically indexed, so I guess I'm asking
if there is any point in my creating an
I didn't see anyone address this. Did I miss it, or is this just a wildly
unpopular question?
-Original Message-
From: Tim Ariyeh
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2011 4:25 PM
Subject: bucket key listing
Ripple indicates that a representative from Basho
Has there been any development in this area? I saw this:
But I wondered if any clear "official" or "least horrible" path existed now.
I mean, it only seems logical that Riak run on the flavor of Unix preferred b
If you're just interested in later finding documents you've stored, would
secondary indexes be a good fit? Is there a common property by which you'd
like to load this list of documents?
It gets you out of the business of managing contention for