For testing, I'd like to be able to throw a large number of data at Riak
(100k+ entries), check how it performed, change something in the
application, run the test again. I'd like to use the same data every time,
so, I'd like to clear the bucket between every test.
The documentation (
e on a List Keys call.
> The easiest thing to try, in your case, is to set 'delete_mode' to
> 'immediate', restart the test cluster, and retest. With an immediate
> delete, your second test with 10 keys should not take as long as the
> previous delete with 10
{delete_mode, immediate}
> ]}
> ].
> Restart the node, and try your tests again. The tombstones should
> disappear now on every delete request. (You should probably also wipe all
> of the old data, by deleting the contents of the bitcask and anti_entropy
> directories i
ipt to stop the node, delete the bitcask & aae dirs, and restart. And
>> invoke it as a shell script command from your test suite. Or just call
>> those commands directly.).
>> On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 5:44 AM, Paweł Królikowski wrote:
>>> O
I'm sorry for resurrecting an old thread, but .. well, I'm basically asking
the same question as Alexander - will there be a way of link walking in
future Riaks?
We're currently looking into ways of moving some of our data from Oracle
into any nosql database. Vast majority of data will be str