I would like to use a pre-commit hook written in javascript in riak to
validate the json schema of the data submitted
There are a number of implementations in javascript on json-schema.org
is there a way to load an external library or libraries
recently 2 of the vm's running riak crashed. (probably not due to riak)
When i now run "curl $riak/buckets/$2/keys?keys=true" i get the following
error message:
500 Internal Server
ErrorInternal Server ErrorThe server
encountered an error while processing this
the nodes fail,
> you'll likely
> not be able to run `coverage` queries like 2i and list-keys. If you need
> to be able
> to sustain losing 2 nodes and still successfully run 2i, I'd suggest
> running at least
> a 5 node cluster.
> Reid
> On Sep 17, 2012, a