I'm new with Riak. I'm trying to use riak-erlang-client but I have some
I can connect with the browser to localhost:8091
http://localhost:8091/ping -> ok
But I can do a ping with the erlang client.
1> {ok, Pid} = riakc_pb_socket:start_link("", 8091).
2> riak
I just had to connect to the Protobuf Port instead of http port.
2012/12/12 Pablo Vieytes
> Hi,
> I'm new with Riak. I'm trying to use riak-erlang-client but I have some
> problems.
> I can connect with the browser to localhost:8091
> http://loca
I'm new to riak and k/v db as well. I want to write a social data model
(users, friends, posts, comments and likes). I'm used to use relational db
and I think my aproach will be very biased for that previous knowledge.
This is a very common data model, so, I guess anybody has an example. An