We have 5 riak nodes running riak-2.0.0pre20-1.el6.x86_64 with a ringsize of
64. We would like to do a ring resize because the distribution of content is
very uneven (64/5 has a left over of 4 parts that all end up on the same node).
The documentation says riak-2 can do this online
: Max Vernimmen
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: Re: riak 2 - how much space is needed for online resizing?
Hi Max,
A ring resize won't make things much better. It is intended to change the
number of partitions from 64, in your case, to 32 or 256, for example. While
these rings size
eems like there is some state left in the cluster nodes after a node
is replaced, causing the `riak-admin diag` command to fail. Has anyone else
seen this? Would this classify as a bug or did I simply do something wrong ? :)
Best regards,
Max Vernimmen
Hi Sargun,
The debug output can be found here:
Indeed your suggested command resolves the problem nicely, that saves me a lot
of restarting. Thank for your help!
Best regards,
Max Vernimmen
> -Original Message-
> From:
I’d like to increase our cluster’s n value from 2 to n=3. The documentation
says this is ‘not recommended’ but it doesn’t say why and the functionality is
there so… ☺
Once I change the setting for a specific bucket There seem to be 2 ways of
making sure existing objects in the bucket get a