Re: Is Riak suitable for s small-record write-intensive billion-records application?

2012-10-22 Thread Joshua Muzaaya
riak can well do this, but you will have to be strong and willing to learn. If you want a faster solution for the same, have you checked out Couchbase Server ( , it too, can handle this data, and its setup is painless, with already finished SDKs and stuff, JSON in-and-out and

Re: Logging chat messages

2012-10-23 Thread Joshua Muzaaya CouchBase server has this as a configuration and works exactly how riak would. However, using a different storage for incremental ids will present challenges. Have you carefully considered Couchbase , CouchDB or Big Couch ?

Re: Logging chat messages

2012-10-23 Thread Joshua Muzaaya
sender, etc. >> >> Guido. >> >> > Thank you so much! > > Sounds reasonable and feasible :) One question, why storing milliseconds > would be a problem? > > The only reason to use an incremental id is to be able to build pagination > easily i.e. last 50 msgs,

Re: Tip for Nginx with Riak CS

2013-05-06 Thread Joshua Muzaaya
Thanks so much for this. On Mon, May 6, 2013 at 9:03 AM, Toby Corkindale <> wrote: > Sharing a tip with the list, in case it saves a future person an hour of > their time.. > > If you use Nginx to loadbalance to Riak CS, be sure that you set this in > your si

Re: Riaktor: a Promise-based async API for Riak

2013-05-21 Thread Joshua Muzaaya
Thanks for this. I am going to check it out, and so should the others. On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 10:34 PM, Jon Brisbin wrote: > I'm stretching the legs on our new async framework Reactor [1] and I > created a quite small helper class to enable efficient async operation of > the official Java clie

Re: Reliability quastion

2016-01-14 Thread Joshua Muzaaya
I suggest u test out CouchBase or Cloudant or CouchDB as well. Riak can be problematic when things go wrong. On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 4:07 PM, Russell Brown wrote: > > > On 14 Jan 2016, at 07:05, wrote: > > Hi All, > > > I am a member of the community for about a year to unde