You can use the $keys index to grab this information out of Riak. You could
also write an MR job that returns just the key for every key that exists, but
you would still have to read everything from disk... Or I think so, could be
Jeremiah Peschka, Managing Director, Brent Ozar PLF
You sure can!
You can only use JavaScript in pre-commit hooks, AFAIK.
Jeremiah Peschka, Managing Director, Brent Ozar PLF, LLC
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
On Jun 14, 2012, at 6
ge, cc2.8xlarge. The upside is that you can also hog
all of the instance storage and take advantage of local storage AND get the
redundancy that Riak brings to the table - EBS volumes are RAIDed behind
the scenes.
This handy chart will help:
Jeremiah Peschka
nd causing flushes to disk (DW >
0), then there's your problem.
If you're writing a lot of large items, there's your problem.
If not, please see the previous emails from Basho employees, who are much
smarter than me. :)
Jeremiah Peschka
Managing Director, Brent Ozar PLF, LLC
> Now another node comes up, after a few minutes node-1 goes down, will my
> other nodes have key A in them?
Jeremiah Peschka
Managing Director, Brent Ozar PLF, LLC
riak-users mailing list
Protocol Buffers are compact and fast and exposes most functionality.
All functionality (AFAIK) is available via the HTTP interface but it's not what
anyone would call fast.
The better clients hide this from you and let you worry about writing software.
Jeremiah Peschka - Man
Are you managing your Erlang installation from source or are you using
Jeremiah Peschka
Managing Director, Brent Ozar PLF, LLC
On Tue, Aug 7, 2012 at 7:16 PM, Jeff Kirkell wrote:
> Chris,
> That did it. I did have to completely remove Erlang and reinstall but it
cache first?
Jeremiah Peschka - Managing Director, Brent Ozar PLF, LLC
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
On Aug 9, 2012, at 1:39 PM, José Ghislain Quenum
> Hi all,
> my question is fairly simple. If one is developing an app, does that make
> sense to combine memcached with a riak
t just linking.
> --
> Med Vennlig Hilsen
> Olav Frengstad
> Systemutvikler // FWT
> +47 920 42 090
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
Jeremiah Peschka
Managing Director, Brent Ozar PLF, LLC
riak-users mailing list
intermediate levels, you should be able to easily
recompute your various roll ups for reporting as the underlying data changes
and still get quick reporting without having to traverse the existing buckets.
The only other time I've seen this documented is in a thread from 2011
about pruning (merging) after deletes. Here's the message in question in
case any historians are lurking:
Jeremiah Peschka
Managing Director, Brent Ozar PLF, LLC
On T
y bumping ulimit in your riak startup scripts themselves
and see if that eliminates the issues that you're running into.
Jeremiah Peschka
Managing Director, Brent Ozar PLF, LLC
On Mon, Oct 8, 2012 at 6:11 PM, Alexander Sicular wrote:
> I don't think you're setting it correctly. I
The behavior of su and sudo are at best entertaining and at worst entirely
maddening. Now that you've worked your way through this, hopefully I'll
remember it at some point in the future.
Jeremiah Peschka
Managing Director, Brent Ozar PLF, LLC
On Mon, Oct 8, 2012 at 7:12 PM, Da
I'd definitely be up for some post dinner festivities.
Jeremiah Peschka - Managing Director, Brent Ozar PLF, LLC
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
On Oct 8, 2012, at 10:15 PM, Marc Campbell wrote:
> I'd definitely be up for something like this on Tuesday evening.
> -Marc Camp
astTrack[1]. It takes about 45 - 90
minutes, but it'll give you a great overview of the concepts behind Riak and
how you can use them to kick ass.
Jeremiah Peschka - Managing Director, Brent Ozar PLF, LLC
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
Jeremiah Peschka
Managing Director, Brent Ozar PLF, LLC
On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 6:53 AM, Alexander Sicular wrote:
> I've read the other
thout knowing more about Yassen's requirements, it's difficult to say
which aspects of Riak meet the app's needs and which ones might require
some mitigation wrt operational shenanigans like caching.
Jeremiah Peschka
Managing Director, Brent Ozar PLF, LLC
On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at
Thanks to everyone who made this possible. I know what I'm doing tonight:
Cool ranch Doritos and RICON videos.
Jeremiah Peschka
Managing Director, Brent Ozar PLF, LLC
On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 2:04 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:
> Hey All,
> I was going to put this in the Recap
ng to stream data into Riak directly from SQL Server, even with
some intermediary transformation in between you'll still put some load on
SQL Server that could easily be avoided.
Jeremiah Peschka
Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 1:18 PM, Jay
s needed either via email/skype/whatever.
Jeremiah Peschka
Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 2:54 PM, Kevin Burton wrote:
> What do I need to setup the receiving end? How does this differ from
> ADO.NET code?
> ** **
I were you, I'd remove (or at the very least, stop) the Riak instance you've
got and walk through the Fast Track/Quick Start.
CorrugatedIron[1][2] is a .NET driver for Riak. It supports the vast majority
of Riak 1.2 features (search is a bit rough around the edges).
Jeremiah Peschka
Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
On Nov 7
Responses inline.
Jeremiah Peschka
Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
On Nov 7, 2012, at 6:45 AM, "Kevin Burton" wrote:
> Thank you this will help. I am a little new to the administration of init.d.
> What do I need to edit to remove the startup of the Riak instance? What
Yeah, neither should I.
Jeremiah Peschka
Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
On Nov 7, 2012, at 7:49 AM, Michael Clemmons wrote:
> I apologize for the confusion here(shouldn't hit listserves at 6am). I'm
> talking about the python client for riak and refering to the to methods
You should only issue the join command once - when you create the cluster.
After that happens, the nodes will join the cluster at start.
Jeremiah Peschka
Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
On Nov 7, 2012, at 8:13 AM, "Kevin Burton" wrote:
> Thank you. This is very helpful. Two m
There's also a StreamingListKeys operation that is somewhat less blocking that
a straight up ListKeys.
Jeremiah Peschka
Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
On Nov 9, 2012, at 9:
I know, I know. It's a terrible idea. As client developers we took the line of
"Well, we can't stop you from chopping off your own foot. Might as well give
you a knife!"
Jeremiah Peschka
Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
On Nov 9, 2012, at 9:37 AM, Mark Phillips wrote:
It's been in CorrugatedIron since the very early commits. If you pulled from
NuGet, it's there.
Jeremiah Peschka, Managing Director, Brent Ozar PLF, LLC
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
On Nov 9, 2012, at 10:08 AM, Kevin Burton wrote:
> Thank you. Again this would not be used in pr
You would want to look at the RiakResult.Value property to get to the
Jeremiah Peschka
Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
On Nov 9, 2012, at 1:34 PM, Kevin Burton wrote:
> One more question on this subject. The return from ListKeys is a
> RiakResult> how do I get the IE
You can use pr and pw to require reads and writes to hit primary vnodes. I
suspect this makes it possible to fail writes in the way you are describing.
Jeremiah Peschka
Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
On Nov 13, 2012, at 12:51 AM, kamiseq wrote:
> yes, that was my conclusion thats why
ingle server.
Jeremiah Peschka
Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
On Sun, Nov 18, 2012 at 5:00 AM, Guido Medina wrote:
> Atomicity is always a delicate subject, but it could be resolved with
> either the following solutions:
>1. Your application can
ystem since list keys can potentially put pretty high load on your system.
confirmation from Basho.
Jeremiah Peschka
Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
On Sun, Nov 18, 2012 at 7:47 PM, 郎咸武
em on a comment on the
>> issue. The work-around would not be efficient since JS code would have to
>> go through N rows to drop ones that do not fit a particular criteria on the
>> number. If there is a better solution to the problem, I'd like to hear your
>> thoughts on th
support, and improved documentation. Get it from
NuGet and give it a whirl!
Jeremiah Peschka
Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
riak-users mailing list
iak-users mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
there any reason you can't use different bucket names to run a single
riak cluster?
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache Hadoop
On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 9:07 AM, Jimmy Ho wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I
Deleting a bucket requires deleting all keys in the bucket. It will be slow.
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache Hadoop
On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 1:58 PM, Kevin Burton wrote:
> ** **
> I am
There are a few examples in the test cases:
Other than that, the samples in the CorrugatedIron.Samples project are all
Riak KV applications.
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent
is the dual nature of Riak's API.
Almost all operations are supported via ProtocolBuffers (which doesn't care
about names) but a few are only supported through HTTP.
I hope this helps clear up some of your questions.
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
te several Erlang functions that will perform a
MapReduce across your bucket (or even the secondary index) and delete keys.
The upside of using Erlang + MapReduce to do it is that you won't have to
round trip between Riak and your client. The downside is that you have to
learn Erlang. ;)
I could be wrong,
I was watching Downton Abbey at the time.)
As far as reserved characters, I'm going to punt that back to the Basho
folks. Not out of spite, but just out of being busy.
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
Cloudera Certified Devel
l be doing the
equivalent of creating a cursor that streams rows back to the client which
then issues a delete.
There are some portions of Riak where the learning curve is steep - bulk
data operations with Erlang is one of them.
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache Hadoop
On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 7:41 AM, wrote:
> I was looking at CorrugatedIrons website and I see code like:
> var query = new RiakMapReduceQuery()
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache Hadoop
On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 8:48 PM, Kevin Burton wrote:
> There must be another. I am only calling
There are no retries involved - CorrugatedIron won't do anything unless you
ask it to.
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache Hadoop
On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 9:14 PM, Kevin Burton wrote:
> I see it more t
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache Hadoop
On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 1:32 PM, Kevin Burton wrote:
> Look
elated to the cluster config that you set up in app.config -
it's the number of retries before CorrugatedIron marks a node as dead.
> ** **
> *From:* riak-users [] *On Behalf
> Of *Jeremiah Peschka
> *Sent:* Sun
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache Hadoop
On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 3:16 PM, Kevin Burton wrote:
> OK now I understand. This isn’t really a batch call it is just calling a
> user defined delega
nstream Riak, you can make use of those data
structures to implement distributed counters in Riak.
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache Hadoop
On Mon, Fe
It would be queried like any other index as an MR input. I'll create an
issue and will try to get this in some time in the next few days - no
promises, though.
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache Hadoop
Good news! You've found a bug in CorrugatedIron. Because of index naming,
we muck index names to have a suffix of _bin or _int, depending on the
index type. This shouldn't be happening on $key, but it is. I'll create a
github issue and get that taken care of.
Jeremiah Peschka -
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache Hadoop
On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 11:13 AM, Jeremia
Oh, and an example can be found
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache Hadoop
On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 11:44 AM, Jeremiah Peschka <>
characters you can easily pick an ASCII character [2] that's outside the
bounds of your data set. This gets trickier if you have to deal with
Unicode data.
Jeremiah Pesc
Is this documented anywhere on the site?
Searching for $bucket produces search results just for "bucket" and Google
says "No results found for * $bucket*."
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MV
Thanks for the insight into this.
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache Hadoop
On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 4:40 AM, Christian Dahlqvist wrote:
> Hi OJ,
> The do_prereduce parameter makes it possible to
while sharing VM hosts.
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache Hadoop
On Feb 21, 2013, at 6:54 PM, Alexander Sicular wrote:
> Well, I would say in any circumstance where you care about performance or the
> a
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache Hadoop
On Feb 21, 2013, at 7:29 PM, "Kevin Burton" wrote:
> This is has been most helpful. Thank you. Hopefully these
Excellent, thanks much for the clarification.
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache Hadoop
On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 6:18 AM, Bryan Fink wrote:
> On Feb 26, 2013, at 9:16 AM, Bryan Fink wrote:
> >&
ventual consistency guarantees. Alex Siculars will eventually show up and
start chanting "use redis"; you'll be resistant at first, but his arguments
make a lot of sense. Riak does some things very well, maintaining
consistent counters isn't one of them... yet.
Jeremiah Peschk
Responses inline.
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache Hadoop
On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 12:26 PM, Kevin Burton wrote:
> Right. I know it is not ideal. I have been able to split the VM’s into
> groups. So 2
I didn't want you to think that you've been forgotten, but I've been
swamped getting ready to head out of the country for 2 weeks on a company
trip. You're in good hands with the list, though.
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MV
Someone needs to submit a talk to RICON that uses the phrase "identical axial
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache Hadoop
On Mar 12, 2013, at 1:30 AM, liuhuan123 wrote:
> Hermes repl
Your Riak search hook crashed. There is a bad argument being sent to Erlang.
Check your Riak logs for more detail.
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache Hadoop
On Mar 12, 2013, at 4:23 PM, "Kevin Burton&qu
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache Hadoop
On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at
Have you managed to finish a run of basho bench? Without that, there's no
real comment I can provide apart from "You appear to have an installation
of Riak that is suffering from communication errors".
How well does this run on a local installation on your dev workstation?
my responses will be hit or miss at best.
Good luck and godspeed.
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache Hadoop
On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 6:16 PM, Kevin Burton wrote:
> The eleveldb app.config are the default.
vices look like.
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache Hadoop
On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 7:27 AM, Kevin Burton wrote:
> So the question remains in my mind why
> ** **
> curl -XPUT http://devUbun
search results that you want from your JSON document
because it doesn't conform to the default Riak Search schema -
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
Cloudera Cert
Try now, this appears to fall into the "Jeremiah can't work anything that
requires security" category.
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache Hadoop
On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 6:06 PM, Kevin Burton
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache Hadoop
On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 6:27 PM, Kevin Burton wrote:
> So the only change you made was to enable search for the bucket. And since
> I am not using search (just
"last_write_wins" : false,
>> "linkfun" : {
>> "mod" : "riak_kv_wm_link_walker",
>> "fun" : "mapreduce_linkfun"
s in to CI, we
just send and receive bytes on a socket. Much like curl, though, if you
send in junk data, CI is happily going to return that junk data back to you.
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache Hadoop
On T
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache Hadoop
On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 2:39 PM, Kevin Burton wrote:
> One more question. Then how many physical nodes can go down before I loose
> data? Again assuming that I
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache Hadoop
On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 11:16 AM, Kevin Burton
Free space won't be cleared until there is a LevelDB compaction:
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache H
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
Cloudera Cer
akLink("otherBucket", "otherKey", "tag"));
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache Hadoop
On Mon, Apr 8, 2013 at 2:20 PM, Kevin Burton wrote:
> I have the same question if you find an an
r's head so they can evaluate as they're going through
> the article.
> Cheers
> Matt
> On 9 April 2013 02:02, Jeremiah Peschka
> '');>
> > wrote:
>> I want to follow up on the recent "Map phase
ff, []}},
> This will disable Riak's automatic detection and correction of data loss /
> corruption. The feature requires an added 1 to 2% data on disk.
> Matthew
> On Apr 10, 2013, at 9:01 AM, Tom Santero wrote:
> Hi Ben,
> First, al
Hi Chris,
Responses are inline
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache Hadoop
On Sun, Apr 14, 2013 at 4:47 PM, Chris Corbyn wrote:
> All,
> Just copying this from my stackoverflow post, as the riak ta
a sibling
should be created.
As I understand it, the only way to write into Riak and not get siblings is
to set allow_mult to false - even leaving out vector clocks will lead to
siblings if allow_mult is true. Or so John Daily's chart claims.
If you check ulimit through Erlang [1], are you seeing the appropriate
ulimit values?
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
Cloudera Certified
You can find up to date samples at
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache Hadoop
On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 9:26 AM, Pandiarajan Subramani <
would like to
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache Hadoop
On Sat, Jun 1, 2013 at 8:56 PM, Erik F. Andersen wrote:
> Hi!
> I for one have been lo
What level of PBC integration can we expect from Yokozuna? Is that
developed but not documented or is that a TBA feature?
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache Hadoop
On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 8:46 AM, Ryan Zezeski
x27;ll hit you up directly should I run into any weirdness.
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache Hadoop
On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 9:50 AM, Ryan Zezeski wrote:
> Yokozuna supports protobuff already. It uses the sam
CorrugatedIron v1.3.3 has been released. This is a minor fix that adds
Get(bucket, key, RiakGetOptions) to the IRiakClient API. You can get it
Release notes available at
Jeremiah Peschka
We've released CorrugatedIron (the .NET Riak client) v1.4.0-RC1 into the
wild. Release notes are available at
pasted below.
We do need testers for this - this release has been developed against Riak
1.4.0 HEAD,
Correct. Unless you've specific an n value of 1 for the bucket.
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache Hadoop
On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 12:57 PM, kpandey wrote:
> In a multi node cluster with a b
at command completes, the counter has a value of 1; assuming no other
increments are made.
To initialize to a different value, simply increment/decrement the counter to
the chosen value and begin from there.
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
ease, but we can put that in a point release.
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache Hadoop
On Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 6:59 AM, Amir Halatzi wrote:
> Hi all,
> Trying to optimize our application connectio
getting rid of/fully enumerating collections before moving on?
How are you handling errors processing individual items in the IEnumerable?
(This is primarily a concern if you're using the streaming interfaces)
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
ds If-None-Match when you attempt to write new records.
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache Hadoop
On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 4:17 AM, Sandy Herman wrote:
> Hello,
> Is it possible to create a unique seconda
Riak 1.4 introduced a time out setting that defaults to 60,000 seconds. If
you need to read for longer periods of time, you'll need to increase the
timeout. You can set it on the messages that are being sent in to Riak.
Is this, perhaps, what you're running into?
Jeremiah Peschka
I've tested this using the PBC interface and a build from the source branch
as well.
The timeout occurs waiting for any response from protobufs waiting for
message size.
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
Cloudera Certified Developer for A
This is what we do for CorrugatedIron integration testing. Test buckets
typically have a test name + UUID. Which makes it interesting when I try to
verify data via curl while I'm debugging. But it also keeps me from
polluting my testing buckets with the output of other failed tests.
JavaScript, you should be able to query over it in
MapReduce. This is typically regarded as a Bad Idea™ since an MR query will
need to scan all keys in a bucket (which effectively means scanning the
entire cluster) and is best done as an infrequent activity to transform
Jeremiah Peschka
Especially if you're just pulling out a slice of bytes.
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache Hadoop
On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 4:13 PM, gbrits wrote:
> Wow, high speed on this list!
> I want
1 - 100 of 375 matches
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