Re: Is there any CSV data loader code in Erlang for sample data- 'Compressed Twitter Data ' ?

2012-05-10 Thread Jeffrey Massung
There was a recent thread in the Erlang Programming mailing list that might help: -- Jeffrey Massung Software Engineer On May 10, 2012, a

Re: riak-admin member_status ambiguous with Riak 1.0.2

2011-12-18 Thread Jeffrey Massung
Zheng, A 'down' status for a node is different from "unreachable" or "partitioned". It's quite possible (to the node you are running riak-admin from) that dev2 and dev3 are still actively up and running, but not partitioned from the rest of the cluster due to other networking reasons. When at

Re: riak-admin member_status ambiguous with Riak 1.0.2

2011-12-18 Thread Jeffrey Massung
On Dec 18, 2011, at 12:28 PM, Jeffrey Massung wrote: > > When at least one node is partitioned from the rest of the cluster, various > ring membership actions cannot be performed. For example, you can't add or > remove a node from the cluster. Just to be clear on this one poi

Re: Newbie question 1/3

2012-01-09 Thread Jeffrey Massung
llback is a function of which nodes are up, the ring size, etc. So it's possible that if your 3 nodes went down, a single node would be acting as the fallback for all of them (e.g. in a 4-node cluster). This is an area we are actively working to improve when enough nodes are available.

Re: Riak Control installed when upgrading to 1.0.2?

2012-01-10 Thread Jeffrey Massung
ol will be "official" with 1.1 and isn't included prior to that. -- Jeffrey Massung Software Engineer On Jan 10, 2012, at 12:37 PM, Jeremy Raymond wrote: > Hi, > > I was following the instructions here ( > ) to enable R

Re: Newbie question 1/3

2012-01-10 Thread Jeffrey Massung
#x27;t ever have a case where you specify n_val > 2 and end up with a situation where all the replicas end up on a single, physical node. -- Jeffrey Massung Software Engineer ___ riak-users mailing list htt

Re: enabling riak control?

2012-01-13 Thread Jeffrey Massung
Riak Control will only work within master and/or Riak 1.1+. There are changes within riak_core for riak_control. Control might compile just fine (and better! ;-)), but much tof the functionality it would need doesn't exist in prior versions. -- Jeffrey Massung Software Engineer j...@bash

Re: Is Riak a good solution for this problem?

2012-02-13 Thread Jeffrey Massung
hits for sessions over the last week, month, day, minute, …). Hope this helps, if you have the time/ability to try the above and give feedback on the results, I'd be very interested in learning them and helping further. -- Jeffrey Massung On Feb 12, 2012, at 4:27 AM, Ma

Re: Riak-Control problem

2012-02-22 Thread Jeffrey Massung
.com/basho/riak_control/blob/master/ If you have any additional problems, let me know; I'll be glad to help. -- Jeffrey Massung Software Engineer On Feb 22, 2012, at 8:43 AM, Antonio Rohman Fernandez wrote: > Hi all, > > I just installed the new Riak 1.1 an

Re: Issues with Riak Control

2012-03-21 Thread Jeffrey Massung
This is very much the behavior of older browsers not loading the CSS properly and displaying it. IE7, old versions of FireFox, etc. Have you tried Chrome, Safari, a latest FireFox, IE8+, etc? -- Jeffrey Massung Software Engineer On Mar 21, 2012, at 4:09 PM, char

Re: Issues with Riak Control

2012-03-21 Thread Jeffrey Massung
o the template folder - that shouldn't be happening (obviously). -- Jeffrey Massung Software Engineer On Mar 21, 2012, at 4:32 PM, wrote: > I tried Firefox 9, Safari 5, and the latest Chrome. I would hardly consider > these old browsers. > >

Re: Issues with Riak Control

2012-03-22 Thread Jeffrey Massung
Charles, I've emailed you off-list with a whole set of things to test. We have an idea what the problem might be. For posterity, once a solution is arrived at, I'll post it back to the mailing list. -- Jeffrey Massung Software Engineer On Mar 21, 2012, at 9:1

Re: Issues with Riak Control

2012-03-22 Thread Jeffrey Massung
more robust and and pushing it to GitHub. Note: while we saw the reason for the problem quickly, Armon's email about timeouts is what led us down that path. A hearty thanks goes out to him for that insight! ;-) -- Jeffrey Massung Software Engineer On Mar 22, 2012, at 9:28

Re: Link or Secondary Indexes?

2012-03-29 Thread Jeffrey Massung
n: If you plan on just doing MapReduce queries without 2i, and don't care about link walking, then just storing a typical JSON object and not using either is perfectly fine as well. -- Jeffrey Massung Software Engineer

Re: Turn off Riak Control authentication completely?

2012-04-17 Thread Jeffrey Massung
Nathaniel, I'll have to go through the commit log, but I'm fairly confident that this bug was fixed. I just tried it and am not prompted with the password. If you do a `git log` in deps/riak_control, what's the latest commit SHA that you have? Also, when you use 'none' as the authentication met