We are evaluating using Riak TS (vs. Druid) as our time series data. We require
ability to query rows by tags.
I have a couple of questions:
1. Is there support for Multi-value columns? I believe it is possible with
Secondary Indexes in Riak KV. Any idea when this might be supported in Ri
We are evaluating using Riak TS (vs. Druid) as our time series data. We require
ability to query rows by tags.
I have a couple of questions:
1. Is there support for Multi-value columns? I believe it is possible with
Secondary Indexes in Riak KV. Any idea when this might be supported in Ri
We are evaluating using Riak TS (vs. Druid) as our time series data. We require
ability to query rows by tags.
I have a couple of questions:
1. Is there support for Multi-value columns? I believe it is possible with
Secondary Indexes in Riak KV. Any idea when this might be supported in Ri