Hello all,
Been googling around, but failing to find anything that really helps walk a
newcomer through writing M/R queries in Erlang for Riak.
I'm going through some general Erlang tutorials, but it would also be good
to just see some solid examples of basic (and not so basic) Map and Reduce
> Best regards,
> Christian
> On 16 Jan 2013, at 13:34, Derek Sanderson wrote:
> Hello all,
> Been googling around, but failing to find anything that really helps walk
> a newcomer through writi
Digging deeper into Erlang Map Reduces, I'm trying to test one out via the
local client, but I cannot find an example of providing a 2i along with the
bucket (instead of bucket alone, or bucket + key list) when I run things
from the local riak client in the erlang vm when you attach to a running
I love this mailing list
Thank you Daniil! I had almost exactly the first thing you recommended, but
the example I found had a slightly different notation, and was throwing
errors that I couldn't figure out.
Your example seems to be working, and I think I can get past my issue
Thanks again
On T
I've recently started to explore using Riak (v0.13.0-2) from Python (v2.6.5)
as a datastore, and I've run into a performance issue that I'm unsure of the
true origin of, and would like some input from users who have been working
with Riak and its Python drivers.
I have 2 tests set up, one
both by multi-threading using python's
> threading module. Also, be sure that you're using Riak's protocol buffers
> interface, instead of the REST (HTTP) one, which adds a lot of overhead- I
> believe the python client supports both.
> Greg
> O
e that has been suggested and look at running my tests under a more
"optimal" set up.
Thanks to everyone who responded to this issue. If I get the numbers
increased, I'll be sure to post a followup (in case anyone cares).
On Sun, Nov 28, 2010 at 3:07 PM, Derek Sanderson wrote:
and running.
Thanks for the assistance, everyone.
Again, thanks to everyone who lent a hand. You've made a Riak-Believer out
of me.
On Sun, Nov 28, 2010 at 3:12 PM, Derek Sanderson wrote:
> About VM resources: I had suspected there would be a hit in this sense, but
> I wasn't