Erlang has a function, file:consult, that allows one to load erlang terms from
a file. Is there a content type I can use when I'm loading data from disk using
curl that ensures that what I'm loading are interpreted as erlang terms, not
On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 07:34:13PM -0700, Dan Reverri wrote:
> I don't understand your use case; can you expand on what you are doing?
Perhaps this in the category of "too much information," but since you asked, I
had written an OAI-PMH provider in erlang. My backing store is a dets file,
On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 09:13:17AM -0700, Seth Falcon wrote:
> Perhaps I'm missing something... How about using Erlang's native
> binary term serialization.
> B = term_to_binary(Terms),
> % now store B in Riak
> % ...
> % now get B out and do:
> binary_to_term(B)
Thanks, Seth. That's a fi
Btw, the documentation has this:
encode_term(Object, Term) ->
riakc_obj:update_value(Object, term_to_binary(Term, [compressed]),
This gave me the idea that perhaps by encoding the content type as
application/x-erlang-term I could g
I have successfully connected an erlang client to a running riak server and
gotten some work done, but if the server returns an error response, the
connection is dropped. A typical error might result in a message such as
** exception error: no function clause matching [whatever]
Grovelling thro