AFAIK, Riak's web client uses WebMachine, so maybe this is a bit
redundant. Nevertheless, check the Riak's sources, there should be
plenty of pointers to get you going..
On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 5:47 PM, Ted Karmel wrote:
> I am new to Erlang but would like to give running Riak from Webmac
I would highly recommend using Homebrew
(, installing erlang, riak et al is a
breeze with:
$ brew install riak
On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 9:24 AM, Mark Jarecki wrote:
> Hi there,
> I'm trying to install Riak 0.12 on OS X 10.6.4 using Erlang R13B04.
For starters, which versions of Riak and python client are you running?
I've tested your code on my mini server, running riak v0.12.0 and
noticed no problems:
mini:~ home$ time python
sys 0m0.282s
mini:~ home$ time python
Just an idea, maybe you can use pre and post commit hooks to keep
track of total number of keys in a bucket? I would try that.
On Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 10:12 PM, Wilson MacGyver wrote:
> is there a way to get the t