I am a newbie in RIAK and trying this example but getting error:
Riak version: 2.0.0pre11
client-lib: python
client = riak.RiakClient(nodes=[{'host':'','http_port':8098}],
RETRY_COUNT=2, protocol='http')
I am a newbie in RIAK and trying this example but getting error:
Riak version: 2.0.0pre11
client-lib: python
client = riak.RiakClient(nodes=[{'host':'','http_port':8098}],
RETRY_COUNT=2, protocol='http')
to `search = on`. After that, please see the Riak
> Search simple setup section in our online documentation for further
> details on indexing and querying data. [0]
> --
> Hector
> [0] http://docs.basho.com/riak/2.0.0pre11/dev/using/search/#Simple-Setup
> On Sun,
> search-cmd is unusable for 2.0 Search. You no longer manually manage
> indexes in new Riak Search, but instead, you associate a bucket with an
> index, and then insert values into Riak. It will manage indexing for you.
> Eric
> On Feb 19, 2014,