I have a test database with 158 items in it. Some keys are Riak generated and
some are explicitly set. I have two methods. One does a single delete of an
object whilst the other goes through a loop and deletes all of them.
When I run the deleteAllFromBucket: aBucket it loops through all 158. If
have opened port 8098
on my router to point at the server and checked that ufw isn't running. I have
tested with it running ufw and with 'allow 8098' applied. I still cannot
connect to Riak. On the same computer I get a pong back to a ping so Riak seems
to be OK.
I have a Riak s
than an external fixed IP. I started up Riak and got a
pong. I then tried to connect with my software from that already works with
the Riak I have running on Amazon AWS so I know that the software works - just
a request for a list of buckets.
I got a "Connection refused error. I checked and
Thanks but I have it sorted. I changed the IP address to an internal one as in
192.168.1.xx. I then changed the listener.http.internal to that IP address and
everything worked.
Many thanks to all that helped.
- Original Message -
From: "sean mcevoy"
To: "
OK, so I have Riak KV working from the download on their web page.
When I had three AWS servers it was easy to get them working together as they
each had a separate install. I would like to install three copies of Riak KV on
the same machine. How would I do that given that the install package
Total Linux newby - scared of that one. I will try though :-)
I am building this to help with my university project course so not going live
at all.Thanks
- Original Message -
From: "Luke Bakken"
To: "AWS"
Cc: "riak-users"
Subject: Re: St