For Riak Data Type, is it ok to share one default search index to multiple buckets?

2017-06-21 Thread nattawitta
Hi, I'm using Riak Data Type. And based on this doc, If I'm not misunderstood, I should be able to use default search index to index my data. Currently, I've around 10 buckets. Is it practical to share one default search ind

Changing Bitcask Expiry Policy

2017-06-21 Thread Felipe Esteves
Hi, If I have a Riak cluster with bitcask expiry turned on, let's say, 14 days, and then change it to *bitcask.expiry=off* before any expiration occurs, all my data will be preserved? Or all data prior to the parameter change could still expiries based on the previous deadline? Riak is version 2.