I have a Java class, which is being stored in Riak. The class contains
a `TreeMap` field, amongst other fields. Out of the box, Riak is
converting the object to/from JSON. Everything works fine.
However, depending on the size of the `TreeMap`, the serialization
output can become rather large, and
Hi Henning,
Responses inline:
> However, depending on the size of the `TreeMap`, the serialization
> output can become rather large, and this limits the usefulness of my
> object. In our tests, dealing with Riak-objects >2MB proved to be
> significantly slower than dealing with objects <200k
Hi Travis,
The memory used by Riak (beam.smp) is for more than key storage, of course.
You can assume that in your case RES will get to about the same amount
after a reboot, given a similar workload in Riak.
Luke Bakken
On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 8:54 AM, Travis Kirst