Re: Riak pre-commit hook crashing unexpectedly

2015-12-30 Thread David Rogers
Your first suggestion solves the problem. signed_pb:decode_sign is auto-generated by erlang_protobuffs, and I thought it wanted binary input. However, omitting term_to_binary fixed the error. Thanks, ~ David. On 12/7/15 10:44 AM, Jon Meredith wrote: Does your signed_pb:decode_sign(Msg) func

riak nodes on vmware

2015-12-30 Thread Travis Kirstine
We thinking of deploying multiple riak nodes on a few servers using vmware, 2 vm with riak nodes per physical server. Is this a bad idea? ___ riak-users mailing list

A put is not put in Riak

2015-12-30 Thread Patrice Bruno
Good-Evening everyone, I'm reading this maling for minths now wioth great interest, and now we are using Riak, I have a question to not say an issue that I can not figure out. We have migrated leveldb files from Riak 1.3.1 to Riak 2.1.1. The clusters has 6 Nodes and 6 computers. We are runnin

Re: A put is not put in Riak

2015-12-30 Thread John Daily
This smells like a clock problem. Are you confident all of your servers’ clocks are set to the same time? Updates can be treacherous if clocks are not synchronized and multiple writes to the same key occur in a period of time short enough to fit within the clock skew. I wrote about this after

Re: riak nodes on vmware

2015-12-30 Thread Luke Bakken
Hi Travis, Most likely you will have reduced performance when compared to running a single Riak node on physical hardware. Benchmarking is the only way to be certain. -- Luke Bakken Engineer On Mon, Dec 7, 2015 at 10:57 AM, Travis Kirstine wrote: > We thinking of deploying mul

Forming inputs to MR job

2015-12-30 Thread Timur Fayruzov
Hello, I'm trying to write a simple MR job using Javascript and hit a wall right at start. I can't figure out how to specify "inputs". Here's the code: curl -XPOST "my_riak_server:8098/mapred" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @-

Re: Forming inputs to MR job

2015-12-30 Thread Alex Moore
Hi Timur, For your inputs line, try: "inputs":["mybucket_type", "mybucket"] Thanks, Alex On Wed, Dec 30, 2015 at 3:01 PM Timur Fayruzov wrote: > Hello, > > I'm trying to write a simple MR job using Javascript and hit a wall right > at start. I can't figure out how to specify "inputs". Here's

Re: Forming inputs to MR job

2015-12-30 Thread Bryan Hunt
Take a look at this: : Sample mapreduce job section

Re: riak nodes on vmware

2015-12-30 Thread Alexander Sicular
Hi Travis, Beyond performance reasons, this architecture is a bad idea from an availability perspective. If you lose one physical machine you'll lose two segments of your Riak cluster. And that's generally "not a good thing." -Alexander @siculars Sent from my i

Connection multiplexing in the Erlang client

2015-12-30 Thread Paulo Almeida
Hi, Does the Erlang Riak client support multiplexing multiple concurrent calls in a single TCP connection? Specifically when using the PB interface (riakc_pb_socket:start_link). Thanks. Regards, Paulo ___ riak-users mailing list riak-users@lists.basho

Re: A put is not put in Riak

2015-12-30 Thread Alexander Sicular
Patrice, since Riak is distributed it uses a quorum (default 2 when n_val is 3) to read your data. Since you're doing a post commit hook to read your data immediately after you write there may be delay in getting the new value from two of three copies written due simply to timing. So the rule of th

Riak PHP Client v3 and official Protocol Buffers support v1

2015-12-30 Thread Christopher Mancini
This week we released a significant update to the PHP client to support API bridge classes other than the Http class that ships with the client library. This work was released as version 3 due to a few minor interface changes that break backwards compatibility. Those breaking changes are: - Bas

Re: Connection multiplexing in the Erlang client

2015-12-30 Thread Bryan Hunt
Paulo,You can find a list of community maintained PBC pooling ‎libraries in the Erlang sub-section of this page: