Riak python client and Solr

2015-12-14 Thread Joe Olson
I am trying to use the Solr ( Yokozuna ) 'group' options with fulltext_search. I get expected results when I use the http interface, but not with python-riak-client fulltext pbc search. Here's what I'm trying to do: # This works fine curl "http://:8098/search/query/solrdefault?wt=json&q=id_s:

Re: Riak python client and Solr

2015-12-14 Thread Steve Garon
The python client does not support any advance SOLR features like deep search, facets, grouping, etc. Just use pythons 'requests' lib to query the HTTP interface of Riak for all your search related queries. Steve On 14 December 2015 at 08:34, Joe Olson wrote: > > I am trying to use the Solr (*

Riak 2 Netty BlockingOperationException

2015-12-14 Thread Riak4me
I am trying to use the Riak 2 java client. After some testing, I found that during a put request to Riak, I consistently get a BlockingOperationException from Netty. I've tried different connection configs, operation queue size..etc. Could this be a bug in usage of ChannelFuture.await? Thanks. Here

Re: Riak 2 Netty BlockingOperationException

2015-12-14 Thread Alex Moore
Hi Riak4me, What are your min / max connection settings for the RiakNode objects you have set up? It looks like during your Update command, the Riak client attempted to get another connection for the store, but you were out of available connections and the thread blocked. Netty doesn't like bloc

Re: Riak 2 Netty BlockingOperationException

2015-12-14 Thread Riak4me
Hi Alex, Right now I have it set to min: 50 and max: 200 with operation queue max set too. I've tried it with max: 0 which should be unlimited but actually there's a bug in riak client 2 where if max is less than min connections, it'll throw a exception. So i tried not explicitly setting it, which

Re: Riak 2 Netty BlockingOperationException

2015-12-14 Thread Alex Moore
I made an issue for the max/min issue you found ( https://github.com/basho/riak-java-client/issues/580). For now, you can try setting the max higher. Do you ever see your Operation Queue filling all the way up? Thanks, Alex On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 1:42 PM, Riak4me wrote: > Hi Alex, > > Right

Re: Riak 2 Netty BlockingOperationException

2015-12-14 Thread Riak4me
I'm going to set the max higher and connection ttl time. What's the best way to view the operation queue? Thanks. Riak4me -- View this message in context: http://riak-users.197444.n3.nabble.com/Riak-2-Netty-BlockingOperationException-tp4033787p4033791.html Sent from the Riak Users mailing list

Re: Riak 2 Netty BlockingOperationException

2015-12-14 Thread Riak4me
Alex, I just realized if the max connections are used up, and I have operation queue greater than 0, that means blockOnMaxConnections=false. Does that mean we're not seeing blocking exception because of waiting for connections? Thanks. Riak4me -- View this message in context: http://riak-user