Hi group,
I've been happily using Riak in production on VMs for years. It's time to
scale up so I'm running performance tests with basho_bench and my own app
code on a new VM cluster.
Here's an example question I'd like to answer: will a cluster perform
better with 5 VMs at 8gb each, or 10 VMs a
Hi there,
I am trying riak search 2, and have followed instructions on
to create an index and query an index without any problems.
However, I could not delete values from the index by either i) using the
solr interface, or ii) search-cmd, I follo
Hi Kevin,
The top of the document you reference has this disclaimer:
"This document refers to the now deprecated Riak Search."
Please use this document as a reference (you link to it earlier in your email):
Finally, if you inserted objects usi
Thank you, Luke! I inserted values followed examples in
curl -XPUT "$RIAK_HOST/types/animals/buckets/cats/keys/liono" \ -H
'content-type:application/json' \ -d'{"name_s":"Lion-o", "age_i":30,
However, it is not clear to remove t
Hi Kevin -
Notice that your PUT statement uses the bucket type "animals" and
"cats" bucket within that type:
curl -XPUT "$RIAK_HOST/types/animals/buckets/cats/keys/liono"
The corresponding delete would be this statement:
curl -XDELETE "$RIAK_HOST/types/animals/buckets/cats/keys/liono"
Many thanks for the quick and detailed answer. It works!
On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 4:21 PM, Luke Bakken wrote:
> Hi Kevin -
> Notice that your PUT statement uses the bucket type "animals" and
> "cats" bucket within that type:
> curl -XPUT "$RIAK_HOST/types/animals/buckets/cats/keys/liono"
Hello list,
Apologies in advance for the longish preamble - the question (when I get to
it) is fairly straight forward.
We’ve been happily running Riak for a couple of years now using
multi-backend to map various buckets onto different disk locations (for
infosec compliance reasons).
Our config