Hi there,
Can somebody help me with Riak Search 2.0 on Counters? Imagine we have a
counter called "visitors" to store how many people visits certain cities:
Hi there,
I had been following the documentation [
http://docs.basho.com/riak/2.0.0/dev/using/search/ ] about Riak Search and
the code provided in the site doesn't seem to work?
Everything I try ends up with an error saying no index found taking the
name of the bucket as a not found index :(
What is the output of this command? Please replace RIAK_HOST and
"name_of_the_bucket" with the correct information:
curl "$RIAK_HOST/search/index/name_of_the_bucket"
If the above returns a 404, please use this guide to ensure you've
created the index correctly:
If I do this, I got the right index:
=> {"name":"famous","n_val":3,"schema":"_yz_default"}
If I do this, I get an error:
=> not found
What I don't understand is why it believes the index is the bucket name and
not the ind
Hi Alex -
You correctly created the "famous" index, as well as correctly
associated it with the bucket *type* "animals". Note that a bucket
type is not the same thing as a bucket in previous versions of Riak. A
bucket type is a way to give 1 or more buckets within that type the
same properties. Yo
Hi Luke,
I also tried with a normal bucket "cats" using the type "animals" as the
documentation seemed to suggest and gave me the same error but this time
saying that "cats" was not found as an index... so... still no clue how to
do it.
This is an alternate code I did looking at the Python client
Alex -
Let's take a step back and try out the "famous" index and "animals"
bucket type, which you have confirmed are set up correctly. This
(untested) code should create an object ("cat-1") in the "cats" bucket
(within the "animals" bucket type), which will then be indexed by the
"famous" index:
Ah, yeah, that was it. I thought GC had already run, but it hadn't. After
GC it went back to normal. Thanks!
On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 10:54 PM, Kota Uenishi wrote:
> David,
> I'm sure your version of Riak CS is 1.5.0. At 1.5.0 we fixed bug #475
> by traversing whole bucket in creation and dele
Hi Luke,
Same error:
bucket = client.bucket_type('animals').bucket('cats')
bucket.set_property('search_index', 'famous') # NEW: Setting the search
index to the bucket
key = bucket.new('feliz', data={"name":"Felix","species":"Felis catus"},
Hi Alex,
I'll work on reproducing this error, thank you for the details. I'm
assuming you're using the 2.1.0rc1 version of the Python client
available here:
Luke Bakken
On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 8:47 AM, Al
Hi Luke,
Yes, I'm using the version 2.1.0rc1 installed via PIP as explained by Sean
in another thread here.
On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 5:57 PM, Luke Bakken wrote:
> Hi Alex,
> I'll work on reproducing this error, thank you for the details. I'm
> assuming you're using the 2.1.0rc1
In case is of help, here are the steps I followed:
STEP 1: CREATE SEARCH INDEX: mywantedindex
Hey Kelly,
Thanks for reaching out! We’re using the following versions for RiakCS & Riak
# Download RiakCS
# Version: 1.4.5
# OS: Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise) AMD 64
curl -O
# Download Riak
# Versi
Hi Luke,
As an alternative version and following the Python Client Documentation I
tried these steps without a bucket_type (although I ended in the same
Could you share your Riak CS app.config file with me? I'd like to look
over what you have for a few settings that could affect the bucket
listing performance.
On 08/18/2014 11:22 AM, Alex Millar wrote:
Hey Kelly,
Thanks for reaching out! We’re using the following versions for
Hi Alex,
Bare counters become the "counter" field in the Solr index. For counts
greater than 3 you might query with "counter:[3 TO *]".
Hope that helps!
On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 8:01 AM, Alex De la rosa
> Hi there,
> Can somebody help me with Riak Search 2.0 on Counters? Imagine we have
Also note that you don't run "enable_search" for 2.0.
On Aug 18, 2014, at 11:50 AM, Sean Cribbs wrote:
> Hi Alex,
> Bare counters become the "counter" field in the Solr index. For counts
> greater than 3 you might query with "counter:[3 TO *]".
> Hope that helps!
> On Mon, Aug 18, 2014
Hi Sean,
Thank you for the "counter" field trick :)
What id you don't know the max value and you want the top 5 cities? In your
example you assume 3 or upper.
On Monday, August 18, 2014, Sean Cribbs wrote:
> Hi Alex,
> Bare counters become the "counter" field in the Solr index.
Don't call enable_search(). That enables *old* Riak Search (it sets the
property "search":true). To revert that setting, bucket.set_property("search",
On Aug 18, 2014, at 10:55 AM, Alex De la rosa wrote:
> Hi Luke,
> As an alternative version and following the Python Client
Hi Eric,
I see! Understood, could you provide a little full example on how it should
work? Because I think I also tried without it and failed.
Luke told me to try using the GIT version one see if is a bug that was
already fixed there.
On Monday, August 18, 2014, Eric Redmond wrote
The correct way to set up and use search is in the documentation. Be wary of
any external sources, as they may be referring to Riak Search prior to 2.0.
On Aug 18, 2014, at 12:41 PM, Alex De la rosa wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> I see! Underst
That's a Solr query, which you can find in the Solr documentation. But my
initial through would be:
bucket.search("counter:*" sort="counter desc", rows=5)
On Aug 18, 2014, at 12:06 PM, Alex De la rosa wrote:
> Hi Sean,
> Thank you for the "counter" field trick :)
> What id you don
Oh, cool! Thanks! I will have to look for Solr's documentation then ;)
On Monday, August 18, 2014, Eric Redmond wrote:
> That's a Solr query, which you can find in the Solr documentation. But my
> initial through would be:
> bucket.search("counter:*" sort="counter desc", rows=5)
> Eric
Hi Everyone,
Getting a very interesting 500 error from the Riak HTTP API. I am using Riak
curl http://localhost:8098/buckets/nodes/keys?keys=true
500 Internal Server ErrorInternal
Server ErrorThe server encountered an error while processing this
The problem is term_to_binary. I suspect that <<131, 100, 0, ...>> is
not a valid UTF-8 sequence. Can you use atom_to_binary(Node, utf8)
On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 3:29 PM, Bryan wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> Getting a very interesting 500 error from the Riak HTTP API. I am using Riak
> 1.4.2:
Good afternoon Charlie,
So the issue we’re having is only with bucket listing.
alxndrmlr@alxndrmlr-mbp $ time s3cmd -c .s3cfg-riakcs-admin ls
real 2m0
Hi all,
Our team at Cloud Foundry is building a RiakCS service for CF users and one
of our deployments is seeing an issue with deleting objects from the
We were seeing that our disk usage was approaching 100%, so we deleted some
of the stale objects in the blobstore using s3cmd. If we
Ok, I found the first error in the documentation, parameters are in reverse
bucket = client.bucket('animals', 'cats')
should be:
bucket = client.bucket('cats', 'animals')
Now I could save and it found the bucket type: bucket =
client.bucket('fcb','futbolistas') VS bucket = client.bucket(
Yes, I did it in purpose, because I did so many testings that I wanted to
start fresh... so I kinda translated the documentation, but that is
irrelevant to the case.
On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 10:59 PM, Eric Redmond wrote:
> Your steps seemed to have named the index "famoso".
> Eri
Hi Eric,
I'm sorry but I followed the documentation that you provided me and still
raises issues:
STEP 1: Create Index: famoso
You may have discovered a legitimate bug in the python driver. In the meantime,
if you give your bucket and index the same name, you can proceed, while we
On Aug 18, 2014, at 2:00 PM, Alex De la rosa wrote:
> Yes, I did it in purpose, because I did so many te
Hi Eric,
I will try this suggestion, also I will try Luke's suggestion on using
GIT's latest version instead of PIP to see if is something already fixed.
Once done that, I will tell you guys if is really a bug or if it was fixed
already on GIT cloning.
On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 11:1
We have a 5 node riak cluster.
Two nodes in this cluster, had to be removed because they are no longer
available (since a half year).
So a force remove was done.
After this, the 3 remaining nodes began to transfer all data. So we ended up
with a complete unresponsive system. The iowait is blocking
Your steps seemed to have named the index "famoso".
On Aug 18, 2014, at 1:56 PM, Alex De la rosa wrote:
> Ok, I found the first error in the documentation, parameters are in reverse
> order:
> bucket = client.bucket('animals', 'cats')
> should be:
> bucket = client.bucket('cats'
I have setup Riak on my server with the Riak Control enabled and authenticated.
Everything seems to be up and running fine, once I enable the
control port on my firewall, I can successfully navigate to
https://mymachine:myport/admin and it will ask for login details.
However, if I just
Don't use bucket with 2 arguments, use
client.bucket_type('futbolistas').bucket('fcb'). This makes your
intent more clear. The 2-arity version of bucket() was for
On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 4:10 PM, Eric Redmond wrote:
> Alex,
> You may have discovered a legitimate bug in
I was mistaken about the bucket search. The documentation is wrong, and the API
is weirded for backward compatibility reasons. You should be able to search by
index name this way.
client.fulltext_search(index, query, **params)
We'll update the docs to match.
On Aug 18, 2014, at 2
Hi Eric,
Cool! This new syntax really worked :) even on different bucket names :) It
has been driving me crazy all day... haha, glad is finally sorted out.
results = client.fulltext_search('famoso', 'name_s:Lio*')
print results
{'num_found': 2, 'max_score': 1.0, 'docs': [{u'age_i
Hi David,
I can see from your BOSH specs that you're using Riak 1.4.7 and Riak
CS 1.4.4. I'd like to first recommend upgrading to Riak 1.4.10 and
Riak CS 1.5.0 as both versions have had important bug fixes. CS 1.5.0
specifically has had fixes related to GC.
I'll dig further into your repo but I t
Thanks! That fixed it. We don’t usually use the HTTP API.
Bryan Hughes
Go Factory
Connecting the Internet of Things
On Aug 18, 2014, at 2:00 PM, Sean Cribbs wrote:
> The problem is term_to_binary. I suspect that <<131, 100, 0, ...>> is
> not a va
Riak CS 1.4.5 and 1.5.0 had a lot of improvement after those articles you
put the URL, not it is not using Riak's bucket listing but using Riak's
internal API for more efficient listing. What version of Riak CS are you
using? I want you to make sure you're using those versions and a line
All three plans would be good choice, depending on what you need. RAM
and disk size seems enough. It's just tradeoff - assuming your
software configuration is correct.
If you want high I/O throughput, faster disk and more nodes to
distribute I/O load. Or if you want cost efficiency per data capaci
I had the same issue while playing with the latest python client and
riak search 2.0 but i checked the code and sorted it out.
In the new documentation fulltext_search() is not mentioned, it uses
If you dig in the c
Yes thanks! Yokozuna is a game changer.
You guys did a really great job with this integration.
Especially i like that i can define my own schema and also use solr
spatial/geospatial searches.
No more calculations on application side :)
On Mon, 11 Aug 2014 09:11:38 -0700
Eric Redmond
Hi there,
I had been seeing lately Riak Search as an ultimate way to query Riak...
and it seems recommended to use over MapReduce and even 2i... said so...
should we try to always use Riak Search over the other systems?
Is there any situation in which MapReduce could be a better approach than
Hi Marcel,
What is the configured ring size for this cluster?
You can slow down the transfers by running $ riak-admin transfer-limit 1 in
one of your riak nodes. iowait should decrease as well once transfer-limit
is lowered, unless one of your disks is failing or is about to fail.
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