I have read through many articles about riak but I am little confused how
does riak scale when adding a node. Assume I am having 5nodes having n_val
of 3 with 8gb Ram and 100gb ebs for each node and they have reached the
capacity of ram and harddisk now I am planning to add one more node to the
If you have not already done so, try increasing the pb_backlog setting in
the Riak app.config to 256 and see that helps. You will need to restart
Riak for it to take effect. Details about setting that are here:
A small portion of the data will be moved to the new node. Specifically
virtual nodes will be shuffled to assure even data distribution in the
cluster. This is in the docs at [1]
sent from a tiny p
Hello Silasi,
Can you please explain the process you're using to add the image/video
data into Riak CS? Are you overwriting objects or using multipart
On Thu, Nov 28, 2013 at 5:33 AM, Silasi Stefan wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm preparing an evironment for an image/video storage web
Thanks for your reply Hector.
I'm using the simple python/boto script for upload via the
key.set_content_from_file method. Each object has an unique key name.
Today, 2 of the nodes are at 100% disk usage after I tried to remove one of
them via "riak-admin cluster remove riak@node".
I upgraded to t