Riak CS does not release disk space after deleting an object

2013-11-22 Thread Gavin Huang
Hi, I setup an one-node Riak CS instance. I try to upload an file with 200M, when doing multipart upload, I can see the disk space usage is keep growing (du -h), as expected this object takes 3 times of file size. but after I delete this object, disk space seems not been released. any body know why

Re: Riak CS does not release disk space after deleting an object

2013-11-22 Thread Luke Bakken
Gavin, Disk space won't be released until Riak's bitcask backend does a merge. You can tune merge settings by following the instructions here: http://docs.basho.com/riak/latest/ops/advanced/backends/bitcask/ Also, please see the discussion here: http://lists.basho.com/pipermail/riak-users_lists

Re: Links and uniqueness

2013-11-22 Thread Sean Cribbs
Wow, somehow I had started to reply to this but must have tossed the draft. I don't think the Python client ever prevented creation of identical links, it has always been a list. What changed from 1.5.x to 2.x was that we treat links as tuples now, they are not wrapped in the RiakLink class. On

Re: Using Riak to perform aggregate queries

2013-11-22 Thread Hector Castro
UM:VENDOR_NAME:DATE At the end of two weeks, you can get all of the keys that make up two weeks for a specific vendor and sum them up in your client-side code: INVOICE_SUM:VENDORX:20131122 = 5 INVOICE_SUM:VENDORX:20131121 = 10 INVOICE_SUM:VENDORX:20131120 = 54 Then do the same for the next vend

Re: Search Crashes

2013-11-22 Thread Gabriel Littman
Hi Ryan, You are a rock star. I owe you $5. The bucket had allow_mult set to true: $ curl '' {"props":{"name":"_rsid_ctv_tvdata","allow_mult":true,"basic_quorum":false,"big_vclock":50,"chash_keyfun":{"mod":"riak_core_util","fun":"chash_std_keyf

Re: Search Crashes

2013-11-22 Thread Gabriel Littman
PS: The searching that should include this element that failed before now succeeds as well. >>> r.fulltext_search('ctv_tvdata', "searchable_key:monstersvsaliens") {'max_score': 0.353553, 'num_found': 1, 'docs': [{'date': '2013-11-23', 'expires': '99', 'subject_name': 'Monsters vs. Aliens',