Riak Users,
Today I'm excited to bring you the 0.7.0 release of Yokozuna. It includes
some new features such as an upgrade to Solr 4.3.0, isolation of index
failures, one-to-many index-to-buckets relationship, and map-reduce
support. There is also a performance improvement in index throughput.
What level of PBC integration can we expect from Yokozuna? Is that
developed but not documented or is that a TBA feature?
Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache Hadoop
On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 8:46 AM, Ryan Zezeski
Afternoon, Morning, Evening to All -
This Recap comes to you live from Falmouth, MA. On the off chance that
anyone is in/around the area and wants to talk about databases, ping me.
A few things to take care of before we move on:
* We've got about half the RICON East videos live (including Reid's
Yokozuna supports protobuff already. It uses the same protocol as current
Riak Search so it is currently limited to that feature set. It should
"just work". However, currently, if both Riak Search and Yokozuna are
enabled then Riak Search will handle all queries.
Are you asking in regards to Co
You got it. After pushing 1.4 out the door in a few days, we're considering
adding in support for switching out Riak Search for Yokozuna.
Your use of cURL (the most full featured Riak client EVARâ„¢) made me curious
whether or not there was support for PBC yet within your yokozuna code.
I'll hit you