Re: regarding: riakc_pb_socket:search

2013-01-14 Thread Harald Lapp
hi, i would like to ask, if there are really no ideas about my issue. is sorting with "riakc_pb_socket:search" supposed to work? is there anything i can do, to track down the problem and / or do you need some more information from me? thanks! harald 2013/1/8 Harald Lapp > hi, > > i am queryi

Re: Stopping/Starting Riak.

2013-01-14 Thread Richard Shaw
No problem Kevin Regards Richard On Sun, Jan 13, 2013 at 9:37 PM, Kevin Burton wrote: > The problem seemed to go away. I was some other password request. Sudo > password requests always have the string '[sudo]' in it so I can tell where > it came from. This prompt just asked 'Password: '. Anywa

Re: Missing SST File

2013-01-14 Thread Shane McEwan
So, I figured out two ways to fix the missing SST file problem. Described here for future generations. Solution 1: Shut down Riak on the node with the missing file. Delete (or move sideways) the LevelDB partition with the missing file. Start Riak. Repair the KV Indexes[1] which forces a partiti

Re: Riak Node Failure

2013-01-14 Thread Pavel Kogan
Hi Matt, Thanks for your feedback. The node was back after some time and then crashed again and again, probably something became corrupted. I solved it by brute force - (a) Forced remove of node from the cluster (b) Delete of all files under bitcask and ring folders of node (c) restart of node (d)

Fwd: regarding: riakc_pb_socket:search

2013-01-14 Thread Sean Cribbs
Sorry, forgot to reply-all. -- Forwarded message -- From: Sean Cribbs Date: Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 2:59 PM Subject: Re: regarding: riakc_pb_socket:search To: Harald Lapp Harald, This does look like a bug in riak_search's PB implementation. For some reason we extract the sort fie

Re: Riak Node Failure

2013-01-14 Thread Venki Yedidha
Hi Pavel, Are all the nodes in the riak cluster are of the same configuration? Is the node that is stopped is of the same configuration as others? Can you paste the `riak console` error here? Thanks, Venkatesh On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 9:49 AM, Pavel Kogan wrote: > Hi all, > > I am runn