social data model use case

2012-12-14 Thread Pablo Vieytes
Hello, I'm new to riak and k/v db as well. I want to write a social data model (users, friends, posts, comments and likes). I'm used to use relational db and I think my aproach will be very biased for that previous knowledge. This is a very common data model, so, I guess anybody has an example. An

Re: Riak search query timeout issues with 1.2.1 stable

2012-12-14 Thread Ryan Zezeski
Hi, comments inline On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 8:10 AM, Abhinav Singh wrote: > > > We are facing an issue where search queries works fine on my local dev box > (which have riak-1.2.1rc2 installed). > However same queries timeout on our production boxes (which have > riak-1.2.1 installed): > > 2012-12-

Re: Riak Search - searching across all fields

2012-12-14 Thread Ryan Zezeski
Matt, comments inline On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 3:35 AM, Matt Painter wrote: > > > Apart from a single default value, is it possible for Riak Search to > search for a keyword across all fields in a document without having to > specify the field up front as a prefix in one's search term? > A field

Don't store null-Attributes in riak-json-data via riak-java-client

2012-12-14 Thread Ingo Rockel
Hi all, Is there a way to tell the riak-java-client to not store attributes with a null value into riak? I currently have a json object looking like this: {"status":1, "type":8, "content":"some text", "receiver":17542, "sender":317825, "creationTime":1290565802000, "answered":false, "contentPa

Riak on Amazon Marketplace

2012-12-14 Thread Tyler Hannan
As was discussed on list earlier in the week, we have been working to make a Riak AMI available on marketplace and are pleased to let you know that it is now available... You can read about it on the Basho Blog[1] and, for convenience, a direct link to the image page[2] is below. In addition, our

Riak Production cluster

2012-12-14 Thread Iouri Kostine
Hello everyone, Can someone share a blog post or some notes about setting up riak production cluster at rackspace (RHEL 5)? I was wondering if there is some additional steps, best practices etc. when installing from source. Any additional information to help us get started would be much apprecia

Re: Don't store null-Attributes in riak-json-data via riak-java-client

2012-12-14 Thread Guido Medina
Thats more related to Jackson object mapper, annotate your POJO like this: @JsonSerialize(include=JsonSerialize.Inclusion.NON_NULL) public class MyPOJO{ ... ... } Hope that helps, Guido. On 14/12/12 17:16, Ingo Rockel wrote: Hi all, Is there a way to tell the riak-java-client to not store at

I can't show a pdf from webmachine

2012-12-14 Thread Julio Cesar Ríos Gutierrez
My source do not show a pdf in my page everything else is fine, This is the source code: == -module(rptPedidos_resource). -export([init/1, allowed_methods/2, process_post/2]). -export([content_types_provided/2]). -export([to_json/2, jso

RE: Monotonic Read Consistency

2012-12-14 Thread Vergara, Jeaneth Aguilar
If we have no siblings (last write wins), can we use timestamps to guarantee causality? From: Reid Draper [] Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2012 7:40 AM To: Vergara, Jeaneth Aguilar Cc:; Shah, Nikhil M Subject: Re: Mono

Re: I can't show a pdf from webmachine

2012-12-14 Thread Sean Cribbs
Julio, You can't just give it the filename, you need to read the file. Something like this should work: to_pdf(ReqData, Context) -> {ok, Body} = file:read_file("/root/sicap-rpt/reports/javascript.pdf"), {Body, ReqData, Context}. On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 1:47 PM, Julio Cesar Ríos Gutierrez <

Re: Monotonic Read Consistency

2012-12-14 Thread Eric Redmond
No, since you can't guarantee that your nodes' clocks are perfectly in sync. Last write wins is only suitable if you don't care all that much about causality, and just want easy resolution. On Dec 14, 2012, at 12:40 PM, "Vergara, Jeaneth Aguilar" wrote: > If we have no siblings (last write wi

"Bad message code" error from Java ProtoBuf client?

2012-12-14 Thread Tim W
I'm seeing the following message emitted from a query to Riak: com.basho.riak.client.RiakRetryFailedException: bad message code. Expected: 10 actual: 18 at com.basho.riak.client.cap.DefaultRetrier.attempt( at com.basho.riak.client.cap

Re: "Bad message code" error from Java ProtoBuf client?

2012-12-14 Thread Gideon de Kok
The message codes correspond with the PBC codes at stated on the wiki: Cheers, Gideon Op 14 dec. 2012 om 22:55 heeft Tim W het volgende geschreven: > I'm seeing the following message emitted from a query to Riak: > > com.b

Re: "Bad message code" error from Java ProtoBuf client?

2012-12-14 Thread Brian Roach
Tim - That error is generated when the original, underlying protocol buffers Riak client gets the wrong protobuf message from the socket - as in, not the one it's expecting. The codes are here: The code numbers you list basicall

Re: "Bad message code" error from Java ProtoBuf client?

2012-12-14 Thread Brian Roach
Sorry - dyslexia acting up: That should read that you received a "list keys" response when expecting a "get" response. - Roach On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 3:40 PM, Brian Roach wrote: > Tim - > > That error is generated when the original, underlying protocol buffers > Riak client gets the wrong prot

Riak handling of mismatched n_val within cluster

2012-12-14 Thread David Lowell
I know this is really very boneheaded. But we ended up with n_val being 3 on one of two riak hosts in a dev cluster, and 1 on the other host. I would have expected Riak to howl loudly about this, but it said nothing. In fact, we discovered the problem while debugging app-level issues that result

Riak MR returns JSON Object on occasion

2012-12-14 Thread Elias Levy
It appears that the Riak MR API can on occasions return a JSON Object, rather than an Array. This blows up the Ruby client, and I am guessing probably some other ones. I've opened an issue for the Ruby client. See I came across the issue whil

Re: "Bad message code" error from Java ProtoBuf client?

2012-12-14 Thread Tim W
Brian! In this particular case, the failing call is requesting a single key. And it didn't just happen once -- rather, for quite a while, every single one of these calls (login) would fail in this manner, repeatedly. Then, the next day... *poof*... working again. Rather odd... - Tim On

Re: "Bad message code" error from Java ProtoBuf client?

2012-12-14 Thread Brian Roach
Tim, Right - I understood the call that was failing was a "get" (Sorry - I sent a second email because when I answered originally I transposed the messages). The underlying reason for it is that somewhere, you're doing a list keys operation but not iterating through them all. This isn't your faul

Re: Riak Search - searching across all fields

2012-12-14 Thread Matt Painter
Thanks so much Ryan - yokozuna sounds most promising. If I were building a small system (relatively simple, small user base) that will be production-ready in a few months, do you think that Yokozuna could cut the mustard? I see that it's officially an experimental prototype, but do you think it's s