Re: Ripple Conflicts

2012-11-12 Thread Rama McIntosh
Hi Justin, Iʻm was interested in the same topic and googled this post which has a good ripple conflict resolution example: Hope this helps, -Rama On Nov 8, 2012, at 2:02 PM, Justin Lambert wrote: > I've been looki

Re: riak kv search and analyzers

2012-11-12 Thread Thomas Santero
Hi Mridul, When you integrate riak_kv with riak_search the index name and the bucket name will be the same. I was mistaken and assumed that this was explicit in the documentation, however it is not. (will be changing this shortly). Once you have written the appropriate schema file, as discussed e

Pipe worker startup failed:fitting was gone before startup

2012-11-12 Thread Cornelius Schmale
Hello, I have some problems using riak and mapreduce queries. I've described the hole problem at which-configuration-to-use Does someone have an idea of how to configure riak? Kind regards Cornelius _

FOSDEM 2013 Needs a Riak Talk

2012-11-12 Thread Mark Phillips
Hey All, Mark here. The great people at FOSDEM have just announced that the CFP for the NoSQL Dev Room. I just wanted to pass this along in the event that anyone is planning to go (or thinking about it) and w

Key removal using Bitcask and expiry_secs

2012-11-12 Thread Scott Hyndman
Hi there, When expired, at what point will the key be removed from memory? Is the expiration process automated, or trigged by a read? Scott ___ riak-users mailing list

N val nad W - can write ever fail??

2012-11-12 Thread kamiseq
this is funny but recently I started to think again about how riak works and I thought I know more or less the basics ;] but I start digging and again I read then made few tests with riak bucket configured as f

Fwd: N val nad W - can write ever fail??

2012-11-12 Thread Eric Redmond
Pawel, I think you've wandered into a real disconnect between how we communicate Riak replication, and how it actually works. Although we say that N="nodes to replicate to", in reality, N="vnodes replicated to with every attempt to ensure they are different nodes with no guarantee". This is wh

Re: Bitcask and expiry_secs

2012-11-12 Thread Pavan Venkatesh
Hi Scott, Key is removed immediately from the in-memory hash table "keydir", when expired. One cannot access the value of that key after expiry, meaning "the data", although it physically exists. Data removal happens during the merge process. Pavan From: Scott Hyndman Date: Monday, November 1

Re: Bitcask and expiry_secs

2012-11-12 Thread Scott Hyndman
Fantastic. Thank you. On 12 November 2012 19:01, Pavan Venkatesh wrote: > Hi Scott, > > Key is removed immediately from the in-memory hash table "keydir", when > expired. One cannot access the value of that key after expiry, meaning "the > data", although it physically exists. Data removal happe

Ruby Riak client -- threadsafe?

2012-11-12 Thread Scott Hyndman
Hi there, I noticed this post from a bit over a year ago (, and wondered whether this was still the case. I've noticed one detail suggesting that it may be (the fact that Ripple creates a client per thread), and one

Bitcask and expiry_secs

2012-11-12 Thread Scott Hyndman
Hi there, When expired, at what point will the key be removed from memory? Is the expiration process automated, or trigged by a read? Thanks! Scott ___ riak-users mailing list