Map Reduce and long queries -

2012-10-14 Thread David Montgomery
Hi, Below is my code for running a map reduce in python. I have a six node cluster, 2 cores each with 4 gigs for ram. I am no load and about 3 Mill keys and using leveldb with riak 1.2. Doing the below is taking a terribly long time. Never finished and I dont even know how I can check if it i

Riak java client mutation...

2012-10-14 Thread Guido Medina
Hi Brian, I know what you mean about which by modifying the current *Mutation* interface will break existing code, what about adding a *CriteriaMutation* or *OptionalMutation* interface that *extends* the *Mutation* interface? That way th

Re: Map Reduce and long queries -

2012-10-14 Thread Adam Lindsay
Hi David, The word everywhere is to avoid key filters. It effectively does a whole-bucket key-listing, and that starts to get seriously slow out past 100k items. Since you say test queries work I'll presume you've debugged your map and reduce on some queries where you manually add a set of ke

RE: riak memstore clarification on enomem error

2012-10-14 Thread Sangeetha.PattabiRaman2
Hi Christian, Good day ahead! I have a query , Have loaded the 40million calladataset after fixing enomem error using your erlang script. I am trying to query the same.using $ time curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @- {"inputs":[["CustCalls40m","