Hi (what's your name?),
What a search query returns to you is the "index document", or the result
of transforming the input before adding it to the search indexes; this also
means that deeply nested fields will be flattened. If you want the
original, you can use MapReduce to retrieve the documents
One thing I have been meaning to ask is if we can change the character used
when flattening the fields. I'd like to use a character besides _ so that I can
identify the parent from a field that has _ in its name. I would probably
change it to '.' personally.
Is this configurable?
That is not currently configurable, no. However, you can implement your own
extractor to do so. I think the original reasoning for '_' over '.' was
that Lucene query syntax allows '.' to specify the index name. Having
multiple '.' in a field name might break the query parser.
On Sat, Jul 14, 2012
If I remember correctly, this may be a symptom that the pipe file on /tmp which
Riak wants to use does already exists but is owned by another user. This
happens if Riak has previously been run by a different user.
If it's not that, I suggest you provide the logs from the failed "riak start"
Thanks for the explanation Sean, will look closer at map/reduce.
I'm not sure how well it fits the Riak architecture, but when previously
working with CouchDB+Lucene, the ability to pass "?include_docs=true" to
retrieve the original JSON doc was mighty handy.
On Saturday, July 14,
Hi Basho and Riak Users,
I am in the process of evaluating Riak for commercial usage here at
Playmesh. Riak seems great and has a lot of features we like but I am
running into some difficulties in my initial testing.
I am attempting to hit the database at 100 rps on a single machine (aka one