I know that ripple does have support for testing rails with RSpec but I can't
find any documentation on this (or an example).
Can anyone share an example or know where I can read more about this?
Yehuda Zargrov
Software Engineer
Conduit Your Si
Run the 'ripple:test' generator, you will get some lines added to your
spec_helper.rb (before/after hooks) and some boilerplate for configuring
the Ripple::TestServer. Then you simply need to edit the config/ripple.yml
to add the "source" key to the test environment (tell it where your local
At 2011-11-28T17:19+, Paul Armstrong wrote:
> We have a 1.0.2 cluster with a node that's gone but still listed in
> member_status (as legacy):
> riak-admin member_status
> Attempting to restart script through sudo -u riak
> = Membership
> =
Hi Vijayakumar,
Firstly, sorry for the slow response, this one slipped past.
On 17 Nov 2011, at 13:23, vijayakumar wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using riak java client 0.14 version to insert records, but I am not
> able to locate any method or options to specify write consistency level.
> Store method
Afternoon, Evening, Morning to All -
For today's Recap: new code, blog posts, and more.
Community Manager
Basho Technologies
Riak Recap for December 2 - 4
1) Jon Dickinson wrote a
For Java developers who don't use maven, I've added a download[1] to the RJC's
GitHub repo. This is a build of the RJC with all dependencies in the jars
`lib/` directory. It has been pointed out that the RJC is very maven focussed,
hopefully this will help redress that balance somewhat. The
On Mon, Dec 05, 2011 at 12:06:03PM -0800, Mark Phillips wrote:
> 4) The team at CircuitHub just released some new Riak-themed code.
> * MassiveGit: Git Object Model on top of Riak --->
A tip listed at [1] caught my eye:
Remove riak data from this directory:
I'm c
Hi all,I install riak with make rel in my ubuntu.
I found a K-V consume 50K when i put a <"mine","bread"> to the riak. But, i am
not sure. Please tell me the reason. Thank you.
from jason
about list.
O0 = riak_object:new(<<"groceries">>, <<"mine">>, ["bread"]).
du -h bitcask
> Many thanks to the Basho team (Dan Reverri and Mark Phillips in
> particular) for helping to solve this. The ring was corrupted and there
> was an interesting bug around legacy gossip and forced removal (see
> Bug 1298: Legacy gossip / force-remove troubles --->
> https://issues.basho.com/show_bu