Re: Pros/Cons to not storing JSON

2011-06-14 Thread Runar Jordahl
I am also experimenting with storing objects serialized as binary data. I think this is a great way to use Riak, and you covered the pros and cons. The upcoming support for secondary indices will use metadata, so you will be able to index your binary data too:

Re: Announcing Riak Pipe (BETA)

2011-06-14 Thread Jonathan Langevin
So to be clear, will Riak Pipe negate the need for someone to use Hadoop in front of Riak KV?* Jonathan Langevin Systems Administrator Loom Inc. Wilmington, NC: (910) 241-0433 - - - Skype: intel352 * On Mon, Jun 13, 2

Re: Announcing Riak Pipe (BETA)

2011-06-14 Thread Sean Cribbs
It will not negate that need necessarily (Hadoop is a large ecosystem), but it could be an alternative for run-of-the-mill batch mapred jobs. There's still a long way to go for that to be possible, but we encourage you to push its limits and find the pain points. Sean Cribbs Developer Advocat

Re: Pros/Cons to not storing JSON

2011-06-14 Thread Jonathan Langevin
Would the Riak standard map/reduce be able to deal with BSON properly, or would map/reduce functionality be less efficient than if it were inspecting JSON objects? *Jonathan Langevin Systems Administrator Loom Inc. Wilmington, NC: (910) 241-0433 - jlange...@loomlearn

Re: Pros/Cons to not storing JSON

2011-06-14 Thread Will Moss
I still haven't had a chance to try out using BSON for a map-reduce, but in general, parsing BSON is faster than parsing JSON and I'd imagine that's true in Erlang as well. So, I'd assume using BSON is faster, but you know what they say about assumptions... Will On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 9:40 AM,

Re: Pros/Cons to not storing JSON

2011-06-14 Thread Jonathan Langevin
How would we tell the m/r that the data type is BSON? Does the js engine already have BSON support included? - Jon Langevin -- sent from my Android phone On Jun 14, 2011 12:47 PM, "Will Moss" wrote: > I still haven't had a chance to try out using BSON for a map-reduce, but in > general, parsing B

Re: Pros/Cons to not storing JSON

2011-06-14 Thread Will Moss
You wouldn't be able to do it in Javascript, you'd have to use Erlang. Then, you'd just import the BSON library to parse the values. Will On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 9:50 AM, Jonathan Langevin <> wrote: > How would we tell the m/r that the data type is BSON? Does the js e

Re: Pros/Cons to not storing JSON

2011-06-14 Thread Jonathan Langevin
Ah, gotcha. I'll have to stick with JSON then, thanks :-) - Jon Langevin -- sent from my Android phone On Jun 14, 2011 12:58 PM, "Will Moss" wrote: > You wouldn't be able to do it in Javascript, you'd have to use Erlang. Then, > you'd just import the BSON library to parse the values. > > Will > >

Re: Correct way to use pbc/mapreduce to do multiget where keys and bucket names are binary values?

2011-06-14 Thread Jacques
Does anybody have any insight on my questions below? Thanks, Jacques On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 6:12 PM, Jacques wrote: > I've been working on this. I have it working with an anonymous javascript > function. I was hoping to move it to using the "map_object_value" built-in > erlang function. How

Re: Riak Recap for June 10 - 12

2011-06-14 Thread Andrew Tunnell-Jones
On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 7:48 PM, Mark Phillips wrote: > * Kresten Krab Thorup's "Bring Riak to the Mobile Platform" ---> > That looks interesting, is it open-source? __