- Original Message -
> From: "Ryan Zezeski"
> To: "Jon Brisbin"
> Cc: "riak-users Users"
> Sent: Monday, May 23, 2011 12:47:09 PM
> Subject: Re: embedding riak_core into RabbitMQ
> Jon,
> Sounds like a neat project. Out of curiosity, what use cases do you
> imagine for something like
Just wanted to let you know that this bug is fixed in master now. If you are
interested, I describe some details about the issue and the fix in the
commit message here:
On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 1:35 PM, A
Hi Gordon,
I have limited knowledge of configuring Innostore but can help answer some
of your merge_index questions.
The most important merge_index setting in terms of memory usage is
'buffer_rollover_size'. This affects how large the buffer is allowed to
grow, in bytes, before getting converted
Just curious if anyone has any ideas, for the moment, I'm just taking
the RAM calculation and multiplying by 2 and the Disk calculation and
multiplying by 8, based on my findings with my current cluster. But
I would like to know why my values are so much higher than those I should
be getting.
In our data model, our riak objects are flat JSON objects, and thus their
corresponding index documents are nearly identical - the only difference is
that a few fields which are ints in the riak objects are strings in the
index doc.
Since they are so similar, we are directly using the index d
So I've seen a few well written examples of erlang map or reduce
functions in the contrib section of the wiki/github but the missing
piece of glue for me is: Where do I compile from? I've done a lot of
ejabberd development and generally I just throw it in the src
directory, add a config param to th