Am Donnerstag, den 11.11.2010, 07:59 +0100 schrieb Sven Riedel:
> Hi,
> thanks for the detailed reply. So you would suggest that somehow the
> partition allocation got into an incosistent state across nodes. I'll
> have to check the logs to see if anything similar to your dump pops
> up.
Nico Meyer wrote:
nm> I discovered another problem while debugging this. I you restart (or
nm> it crashes) a node that you removed from the cluster which still has
nm> data, it won't start handing off it's data afterwards. The reason
nm> being, that is the node watcher also does not get notified
> I'll be writing a blog post that will appear in about a week or so
> with some more details on why we made the switch. If you have any
> questions between now and then, don't hesitate to ask.
As promised, here is the blog post with a few more details on the switch.
Catching up(*) on a thread from the end of October (nothing like being
prompt, is there?)...
Charles Blair wrote:
cb> Thanks for spotting the "brainos". But even without those, here is a
cb> repeat of the experiment.
Assuming that these code snippets demonstrate what you're trying to do,
then I
Congratulations, guys! That's the moment I've been waiting for like a half year!
On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 6:57 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:
> Hey All,
> Mark here.
> As of this morning the Basho Development Team has switched to using
> git and GitHub for the development of Riak and all other
On Nov 11, 2010, at 4:05 PM, Nico Meyer wrote:
>>> I discovered another problem while debugging this. I you restart (or
>>> it
>>> crashes) a node that you removed from the cluster which still has
>>> data,
>>> it won't start handing off it's data afterwards. The reason being,
>>> that
>>> i