Re: solr giving duplcate records

2016-03-21 Thread Fred Dushin
Hi Anil, Could be be more specific about how you found duplicate records, and what constitutes a duplicate, for you? It is true that Riak replicas (n_val > 1) do show up in Solr as separate Solr documents, but they have unique ids (using the _yz_id field, discriminated by the Riak partition or

solr giving duplcate records

2016-03-21 Thread Anil Chandgude(HO)
As per my knowledge , solr index doesn't store duplicate records. But in raik solr, I found single record with multiple copies. Is it happen during updation of index. or do I need to change my basic configuration ___ riak-users mailing list riak-users@lis