> From: Bryan Hunt [mailto:bryan.h...@erlang-solutions.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2017 12:59 PM
> To: Raghavendra Sayana
> Cc: Dan Sweeney ; riak-users
> Subject: Re: riak_repl integration
> Raghu,
> What bistro are you running?
What bistro are you running?
> On 5 Dec 2017, at 17:10, Russell Brown wrote:
> Hi Raghu,
> At present Riak is still stuck on the r16 basho OTP. This will change next
> year. For now, and the next release of riak, r16 is the compiler you need.
> If you want to use riak_rep
Hi Raghu,
At present Riak is still stuck on the r16 basho OTP. This will change next
year. For now, and the next release of riak, r16 is the compiler you need.
If you want to use riak_repl with open source riak, there are a couple of
options. There is the 2.2.4 tag in the basho riak repo, which
Hi All,
I want to use riak MDC replication using riak_repl module. Is there any
documentation on how I can perform this integration? Do you know what erlang
compiler version I should be using to compile the code? Any help on this is