Hi Sean,
To answer your questions -- yeah, the cluster is read heavy, gets:puts ratio
is ~80:1. In the past day, node gets averages 1.4k and node puts averages
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Since you're on 1.4, could you please run "riak-debug" on every node
in your cluster? Please mail me directly and we'll come up with a way
to get them delivered.
Could you please also provide a description of the cluster's typical
workload? Any monitoring graphs or other statistics would be helpfu
Thanks for the reply.
The version is riak 1.4.0. I am looking at node.get.fsm.time.mean and
node.get.fsm.time.median. Both increased.
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Sent from the Riak
Could you provide the Riak version you're using? Which of the get
times are increasing mostly? 95th, 99th, 100th etc?
Luke Bakken
On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 5:44 AM, kzhang wrote:
> we have a 5 node cluster, in the past few days, all the counters indicate a
How heavy is the traffic against the cluster? Is your workload mostly gets?
Which get_fsm stats are growing, is it all of the percentiles or just the
On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 7:44 AM, kzhang wrote:
> we have a 5 node cluster, in the past few days, all the counters indicate a
> less bus
we have a 5 node cluster, in the past few days, all the counters indicate a
less busy system (lower cpu, more available memory, less puts and gets, less
network traffic), however get time increased. I am not sure what's going on.
I checked the logs, nothing jumped to me.
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