My input data is ascii text (not json or xml). Why would
riak_object:get_value() return binary data?
Can anyone explain how to retrieve, modify and store a riak_object
within an Erlang precommit hook?
I'm also trying to get some debug info with lager:info() but that seems
to be giving an error a
When you do riak_object:get_value(), it will return a binary and you are
calling string:tokens on a binary value.
- Joe Lambert
+86 13656213284
On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 4:01 AM, Hal Eisen wrote:
> I've made some progress. Looks like I was not compiling my mod
I've made some progress. Looks like I was not compiling my module,
nor did I have the add_paths set in app.config.
However, now I'm getting a new failure:
When I look in my erlang.log file, I see this:
[{string,'tokens1',[<<"my actual data that I am trying to store before
Sorry, typo in code. the mangle function is actually:
mangle(X) ->
{_, Tokens} = lists:partition(fun(Arg) -> lists:member(Arg,
mangle:stopwords()) end, string:tokens(riak_object:get_value(X), " ")),
riak_object:update_value(X, lists:flatten(lists:map(fun(Arg) ->
Hello again. I have given up on using the JavaScript precommit hook
because I could not find anything which did not produce timeouts under
the load for my application.
So, I have ported my hook to Erlang. Alas, I'm not getting very far.
I've installed my hook in /etc/riak/erl/hooks.erl. The cod