Thanks for sending over the app.config. Could you also send over
the app.config from your riak installation?
>From what you're saying, I'm pretty sure one of two things is happening:
1) Your VMs don't have permission to communicate with wherever your .NET
code is running.
2) Your Riak ins
You can start by adjusting the read/write timeouts[1] to see if that helps.
However I don't think this is really going to help you in the long run
because the issue is that you're not able to connect.
Are you able to establish a simple connection to the PBC port from the same
machine? Try u
Hello I just got 2 VMs’ setup and can access via http but cannot get the
samples to work.
My riak app.config -name is set as riak@ and .73 respectfully and
running the Sample proj just takes for ever to ping i.e. a few minutes.
Eventually it fails at the assert.
Hi Brad,
Could you post your app.config in a gist, pastebin, or something else?
You'll also need to make sure Riak is listening on that IP address in the
app.config file. For example, if you were using an unsafe configuration,
the app.config might look like this: {pb, [ {"", 10017 } ]}
Hello I just got my
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riak-users mailing list
Hello I just got 2 VMs’ setup and can access via http but cannot get the
samples to work.
My riak app.config -name is set as riak@ and .73 respectfully and
running the Sample proj just takes for ever to ping i.e. a few minutes.
Eventually it fails at the assert.
My app.config