Re: True HA for RiakClient

2012-03-03 Thread Dietrich Featherston
The haproxy approach tends to work well so long as haproxy it is located on the machine from which the riak client is establishing connections to the riak cluster. This way the client always talks over localhost and haproxy is unlikely to be a failure point. So in your service tier, each machine ru

Re: True HA for RiakClient

2012-03-03 Thread Michael Clemmons
Phil, Its a pretty well known issue. If you don't mind an older version of the riak client there is a folk on github that does support this Your other option is to manage it in your app or subclass the transport object. Some people use h

Re: True HA for RiakClient

2012-03-03 Thread Jeremiah Peschka
Howdy Philip, This behavior varies from client to client. When a client doesn't support load balancing, many people have taken to using HAProxy or nginx to spread the load across an entire cluster. I believe OJ Reeves wrote an article long ago about this very subject. You can find it over at h

True HA for RiakClient

2012-03-03 Thread Philip
Hi, I've just created my first 3 node riak cluster and must admit that I'm stunned! However, it seems like the RiakClient is missing a really important functionality for HA software. AFAIK you can only specify a single server. I want to host a large riak cluster and a frontend cluster separately.