Hi Kresten,
On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 12:18:11AM +0200, Kresten Krab Thorup wrote:
> At any rate, you'll already have a JSON decoder (mochijson2) when running
> inside Riak; so you can do
> JSON = mochijson2:decode(Value)
> To decode your JSON. For the JSON document {"key":4, "val":{"x
Hi Michail, ...
1. If you stored the object via the HTTP or PB interfaces, then then object
will simply be a binary corresponding to the body content you sent to the
service. So, if it's JSON then you need to parse it. You can use Dict =
riak_object:get_metadata/1 to get a dict that roughly c
I'm trying to write a map function in Erlang. As far as I understand,
the function must have arity 3 (according to the wiki) and the first
parameter is the actual object (corresponding to the given bucket/key).
To obtain the value of the object, I use riak_object:get_value function,
however I