Re: Riak in Node + Protobuf (Alain Rodriguez)

2013-12-04 Thread Nathan LaFreniere
Alain, Hi, I’m the author of riakpbc. I did some experimenting this morning and discovered some rare cases that caused the connection timeout guard to be created twice, which caused some interesting problems (i.e. the command could succeed and the callback would be fired a second time with a ti

Re: Riak in Node + Protobuf

2013-12-03 Thread Alain Rodriguez
So the cluster is operational in production and we are accessing it via the http interface. The problem comes when I access it via protobuf. *some* clients connect and run queries just fine, while others fail to connect with a connection timeout. This is the library I am using directly, which is t

Re: Riak in Node + Protobuf

2013-12-03 Thread Sean Cribbs
First, make sure Riak is working properly, `riak-admin test` will do a get/put cycle to make sure your cluster is ok. Second, double-check what the protobuffs port is in your config file, usually 8087. The pb_backlog will only be a problem when you are rapidly opening connections to the server, a

Riak in Node + Protobuf

2013-12-02 Thread Alain Rodriguez
Hi all, I am trying to connect to Riak using the Node.js library, however many of my connections are failing with the error "Connection timeout". Is there a limit on the number of connections allowed over PB? I looked into tuning pb_backlog but it didn't yield any re