I know this might sound strange, but what if the data was formatted like so:
{"id": 1, stats: [ {"stat1": {"name":"stat1", "group": "x", "value": 1}},
{"stat2": {"name": "stat2", "group": "x", "value": 5}} ] }
Would the default extractor flatten this to :
stats.stat1.name = stat1, stats.stat1.gr
That would be ideal I know, but would require a huge effort and is
something I am saving as a last resort. A custom extractor should allow me
to massage the value into a more index friendly format before sending to
Solr but allowing the value to remain in its current form.
I have no experience wit
That might happen.
Could you rearrange your data to look like
Id: ... , stats: {
Stat1: [ ... ],
Stat2: [ ... ],
Then you could do a stats_stat1 > 1 query. It's also more space efficient.
Derived vs explicit naming. Stat(N) could even be an array of hashes like
[{value:..., dates
Yes right, I was tired when I typed this; stats should be an array:
{"id": 1, "stats": [{ "name": "stat1", "value": 1 }, {"name": "stat2",
"value": 5}]}
{"id": 2, "stats": [{ "name": "stat3", "value": 2 }, {"name": "stat1",
"value": 3}]}
{"id": 3, "stats": [{ "name": "stat2", "value": 3 }, {"name"
Haven't tried it out but should stats be an array?
And the query would be something like
Stats_name = stat1 and stats_value > 1
I think the extractor flattens everything and separates with underscores.
Sent from my iRotaryPhone
> On Oct 2
Hi All, I'm trying to determine if a use case is supported by Yokozuna or
With a stored value that looks like:
{"id": 1, "stats": { "name": "stat1", "value": 1 }, {"name": "stat2",
"value": 5}}
{"id": 2, "stats": { "name": "stat3", "value": 2 }, {"name": "stat1",
"value": 3}}
{"id": 3, "sta